Chapter 5 Cry Me A River

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"So you don't think it's over?" Britney asked.

"I'm just saying it doesn't have to be," Jamie Lynn replied.

Britney was lying down on her sister's bed, emotionally drained after just telling her what went down with Justin.

"What do you think I should do?" Britney asked. "I feel like I've tried everything. I've apologized a million times..."

"When was the last time you talked to him?" Jamie Lynn asked.

"I don't know...about a month ago," Britney admitted. "I thought maybe I'd be able to forget about him and move on but...I just  can't."

"He was probably just really angry at first because he didn't see it coming," Jamie Lynn said. "Maybe now that he's had some time to let everything sink in...I'm sure he'll come around."

Britney just shook her head. "Remind me again why I'm asking for love advice from an 11 year old..."

"What, you don't think I'm right?" Jamie asked.

"I makes sense," Britney said. "But Justin is so...complicated. He doesn't forgive that easily."

"So you're just gonna give up?" Jamie Lynn asked.

Britney buried her face in her pillow. "God, I don't know..."

Jamie Lynn grabbed her sister's phone and pressed Justin's number on speed dial.

"What are you doing?!" Britney shrieked.

"Here," Jamie said, tossing her the phone. "Talk to him."

"I'm gonna hang up," Britney pouted.

"Its already ringing," Jamie said.

"I hate you so much sometimes," Britney sighed.

"You'll thank me later," Jamie Lynn said.

Britney brought the phone to her ear with shaky fingers. She was fairly certain it would go straight to voicemail, but it finally picked up on the last ring.

"Justin?" Britney asked.

She was met with silence.

"Justin? Are you there?" she asked again.

"You have five minutes."

Britney felt her heart stop.

"Five minutes for what?" She asked.

"I'm willing to hear your side of things," Justin said. "I'll hear you out."

Britney froze. Was he really giving her a second chance?

"Thank you so much Justin, I just want you to know I-"

"Just...just do it before I change my mind." Justin said, cutting her off.

Britney took a deep breath. "It was just a mistake, Justin," she said nervously. "It happened once. Just once, I swear. We didn't even...we didn't sleep together. We talked and he kissed me and... I didn't stop him. That was it."

Britney paused, waiting for some kind of response. Justin remained silent on the other end, so she kept going.

"It was was a moment of weakness, I guess," Britney stammered. "I never planned for it to happen. I was just so lonely and I missed you so much, and Wade was so kind to me...he understood what I was going through, he had a girlfriend who he never got to see and... we just...I don't know. I know that doesn't excuse anything I did...I just hope it explains some of it."

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