Chapter 7 Somebody To Cure The Lonely Nights

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***One Month Later***

"You  are  my  fire

The  one  desiiiiiiire

Believe  when  I   say

I  want  it  that  way"

What the fuck?

Justin abruptly pushed the covers off of himself and attempted to get up, but he was forced to lie back down quickly when the pounding in his head became overpowering. The morning sunlight that was coming in through the windows stung at his eyes, and his head felt heavy and weighted down. He felt like utter shit.

What  the  Hell  happened  last  night?

He tried to remember, but his mind was a total blank. He didn't even know where he was.

Since his memory was failing him completely, he decided the only way he was going to figure this out was by looking around. He slowly opened his eyes and searched the room, attempting to solve the mystery of where the Hell he was and what he had gotten himself into.

He was in a huge bed, that much he knew. And from the looks of it, he was in a hotel room. The bed though, it was fancy looking and huge and way too big for one person...oh,  shit...

Justin watched in shock as a hot blonde girl walked back into the room from the bathroom, wearing only an oversized men's T-shirt,  his  T-shirt, goddamn it, and lace panties.


But no, it wasn't Britney. It just looked a Hell of a lot like her. A  lot  like her, actually. They could've been fucking  twins.

As she got closer, though, it was becoming more and more obvious that it wasn't Britney. It was more like a smaller- boobed, slightly less hot version of her. It became even more apparent this girl wasn't Britney when she started singing.

Tell  me  why

Ain't  nothing  but  a  heartache

Tell  me  why

Ain't  nothing  but  a  miiiistake

Tell  me  why

I  never  wanna  hear  you  say

I  want  it  thaaaaat  way...

My  Godshe  sounds  like  shit...

"Oh, you're up! Good morning sleepy head," The girl said suddenly, climbing into the bed next to him. "After all the fun you had last night I didn't think you'd be up for at least a few more hours."

Justin looked over at the clock, it was still early morning.

"Hey," Justin began.

"Amy," the girl replied.

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