Chapter 3 Found Out From Him

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"Wade! What the Hell were you thinking?" Britney yelled as she stormed into the studio. It had been just 24 hours since Justin broke up with her, and she had quickly gone from depression to furiousness.

"What are you talking about?" Wade asked, slightly startled.

"You told him," Britney accused. "How could you tell him? I told you I wanted to be the one to-"

"Oh, Brit," Wade sighed. "Do you really think it would've mattered who told him?"

"It might have," Britney said.

"Oh, come on," Wade said. "You know Justin just as well as I do, if not better. Do you really think he would've cared who told him about us?"

"Don't say 'us'. There is no 'us', Wade," Britney said angrily.

"There isn't anymore, no," Wade said. "But you're just lying to yourself if you're gonna deny we had something."

"We didn't have anything!" Britney shouted.

"Don't tell me you didn't feel anything for me when we were touring," Wade said. "I know you did. I know you feel bad about Justin, but-"

"Don't tell me how I feel about Justin," Britney spat. "This wasn't just about me feeling guilty. I love Justin. He's everything to me."

"If you love him so much, why the Hell did you hook up with me then?" Wade asked.

"You took advantage of me when I was lonely and you knew I was missing him," Britney said. "You took advantage of me and now you've ruined everything!"

"You could've turned me down, Britney," Wade said. "I never forced you to hook up with me. You could've walked away at any time, but you didn't. So don't blame this whole thing on me."

Britney put her face in her hands and struggled to hold back tears. "My God, it was one night. It's not like we even slept together...It's just not fair."

Wade put his hand on Britney's shoulder. "It's gonna be okay, Brit," he assured. "If he really loves you, he'll come around."

Britney wanted to believe that, she really did. But loyalty was everything to Justin. Even if he did forgive her, he'd probably never truly trust her ever again.

"God, Wade," Britney sighed. "Why'd you have to tell him?"

Wade looked down at his feet. "I work with him too, you know that. I've worked with Justin for years, long before I started working for you. He's a good guy. I guess the guilt finally got to me. He deserved to know."

Britney could feel the tears coming to her eyes yet again. She desperately wished she could just move on and forget about Justin, but she just... she just couldn't. He had a hold on her that she just couldn't break.

"I don't know what I'm going to do without him, Wade," Britney said sadly.

"It doesn't have to be over, Britney. Maybe if you just-"

"It's over," Britney said hopelessly. "It's definitely over. He's never going to get over this, I know him. He's just so stubborn..."

"Than maybe he doesn't deserve you," Wade said quietly.


"If he can't get over one tiny mistake, if he can't get over his damn pride and take you back...then he doesn't deserve you."

"Don't say that," Britney said. "You don't... you don't know him like I do. If anything, I'm the one that doesn't deserve him."

"That's not true," Wade said, placing a hand on Britney's cheek. "You deserve so much more then him."

Britney quickly realized what was happening and slapped his hand away.

"Get your hands off me," Britney growled.

"Hey, I was just trying to be nice," Wade said innocently.

"I'm not stupid, Wade. You were trying to make a move on me."

"I swear I wasn't."

"Save it."

Britney started walking out of the room, shrugging her new pink jacket over her shoulders.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay?" Wade called out after her. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

Britney didn't bother giving him a reply. He didn't deserve one.

She ran back out to the limo, carefully avoiding the hoards of paparazzi that always seemed to be stationed outside her studio.

Britney closed her eyes and tried to clear her head. She just wished she could shut out the world for a moment, that she could just be Britney and not 'Britney Spears'. That her and Justin could just be small town kids planning their future, going to college, doing things that normal people do. God, what even was normal, anyway?

"Where are we headed, Ms.Spears?" the chauffer called, interrupting her thoughts.

Britney's eyes fluttered open. She had an idea. Her first good idea in ages, it seemed. She almost smiled.

"Home. Take me home."

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