Chapter 8 Tell Me Is This Fair?

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***One Month Later***

Britney and Jamie Lynn were sprawled out on Britney's floor, trying to ignore the concerned voices of their parents from the living room. As hard as Britney tried not to listen in, she just couldn't help herself. They were talking about her, and she couldn't help but be a little curious.

"...I'm really worried about her, Jamie," Britney's mother whispered to her dad. "She just hasn't been the same since Justin. She's maybe left the house once or twice in the past three weeks!"

"I don't think it's just Justin," Jamie said. "She was doing better for a while, Lynn. This didn't start till weeks after they broke up. I don't know what happened. I guess it's just been a tough month for her."

"I know my daughter," Lynn said. "And I know it has something to do with Justin. I just know it."

"She was pretty much over it and moving on a few months ago," Jamie said. "I don't think it was him. Maybe stress from performing or working more or something, but it's not that kid again."

"Jamie, trust me on this one. This has everything to do with a boy. That  boy in particular..."

"...Are you sure it's not just her time of the month?"

Lynn fought back the urge to slap her husband. "No, you idiot! This is more than just a bad case of PMS. This is a broken heart if I've ever seen one."

"Did she tell you that?" Jamie asked concernedly.

Lynn sighed. "She doesn't tell me much of anything anymore. Especially not now...I just wish she would talk to me."

"I know, sweetie, but she is  a teenager-"

"I know that, it's just... she used to come to me for everything, Jamie. Everything. Big or small. And now that she's actually having a hard time, she won't even tell me what's wrong, she won't let me help...I don't know what to do."

Jamie put his hand on Lynn's shoulder comfortingly before embracing her in his arms. "Don't worry, honey. Britney's a tough girl, you know that. She'll come around eventually."

Britney covered her head with her sister's pillow so she wouldn't have to hear anymore.

"They're right, you know," Jamie Lynn said.

"What are you talking about?" Britney asked.

"Well, you haven't really left the house at all this month..."

"Hey, I drove you to school last week, remember?"

"That doesn't count," Jamie Lynn said. "You said you were gonna take me shopping again and to the movies, you promised. And that was two weeks ago!"

"I know, I know," Britney sighed. "I'm really sorry, Jamie."

"It's okay," Jamie Lynn replied. "...hey, I have an idea! Want to go now?" she asked.

"Not right now, Jamie," Britney said.

"What if I let you pick the movie?" Jamie Lynn asked.

"Thanks for the offer, but I think I'm gonna have to pass today," Britney said. "Maybe we can go another time?"

"...I guess," Jamie Lynn said dejectedly.

"Thanks for understanding," Britney said.



"...Why don't you like hanging out with me anymore?"

Britney felt her chest tighten as she was overcome with guilt.

Why Your Love Went Away (Justin Timberlake/Britney Spears)Where stories live. Discover now