Kotetsu X Izumo---/ I'm sick.

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3rd pov…

The rapped pounding on Izumo’s bed room door woke him from his lovely sleep. His eyes opened slowly as his stomach churned. He sat up in the bed just as slowly as his eyes opened. He looked at his door then laid back onto the bed.

It couldn’t be time to get up already. It just couldn’t. he felt so ill, he just didn’t want to get up. The pounding on the door stopped to Izumo closed his eyes and feel back asleep in seconds.

Ten short minutes latter the banged returned but Izumo groaned lightly and cover his head with the pillow. The banging want helping him. “Dude we’re going to be late.” Kotetsu boomed throw the door.

“I’m sick.” Izumo wheezed out snuggling into his covers more. He hared the door open but didn’t open his eyes. He felt Kotetsu sit on the edge of the bed hear him so he slowly peeked his eyes open. Kotetsu gave him a soft smiled before placing the back of his hand on Izumo’s forehead.

“Your burning up.” He said gently. “I’ll phone in and say your sick.” Kotetsu stood from the bed and left the room.

Not long after the crazy haired ninja walked back in with a wet towel and some water. He placed the glass of water on the bed side desk and put the wet towel on Zumo’s head.

“How you feeling mate?” he asked.

“I think I’m going to puck, can you get me a bowel?” he asked in response. Kotetsu jumped to his feet and ran off to get a bowel. He got back with it just in time. Izumo grabbed the bowl and shoved his head into it. The puck flowed free fouled from his mouth into the bucket as Kotetsu rubbed him back gently.

After some time Izumo pulled his head from the bucket. Kotetsu took the bucked out the room. The smaller sick ninja took the glass with a slightly shaky hand and drank the water. The cold water clearing his throat of the fowl taste of vomit.

Kotetsu re-entered the room not long after with the bucket all clean and empty. Kotetsu replaced the wet towel with a new one, before standing. “You okay in bed or do you want to move onto the sofas?”

“Shouldn’t you be at work?” the ill ninja responded with a question.

“I said I was staying home to look after you.” he smiled down at the poorly ninja.

“Can I go one the sofa please?” he asked. Kotetsu nodded and picked the bucket up, pulled the wet towel off his head and pulled the covers off Izumo and the bed. Kotetsu made sure Izumo was okay to get on his own before leaving the room. Izumo stood, rapping his dressing gown round himself, he slipped his slippers on and walked slowly out the room.

I laid on the sofa, curling up into a ball as Kotetsu throw the covers over him. Tetsu tucked the covers round Zumo, like a mother would for her sick child. Izumo looked up at his best friends with a small smiled. “Thanks mate.”

“Its cool, anything else you want or need?” he asked. Izumo closed his eyes as he thought for a minute.

“Homey tea” Izumo said looking throw his lashes at Kotetsu.

“I don’t think we have any I’ll have a look” Kotetsu walked of towards the kitchen.

Kotetsu looked throw all the cabinets and the draws even in the fringe. They differently didn’t have any honey tea. He sighed a long sigh before walking into the living room and grabbing his flask jacket from the coffee table, where he left it after phoning into work.

“Where you going?” Izumo asked eyes opening as Kotetsu pulled the zip to the top.

“We have not honey tea, I’m going to get you some. Anything else you might want why I’m out?” he asked.

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