Chapter 1

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Toni and Tamar are at Toni's house waiting for the other sisters and mommy to get there.

Tamar- so Toni, what have you been up to? I heard through some people in the industry you working on some new stuff.

Toni- I am actually, it's nothing new new you know just some features with some people and maybe possibly a part two of love marriage and divorce.

Tamar- wait a damn minute!!! Toni you're gonna make me shout!!

Toni- Ken and I just sat down and talked about it, ma'am. Doesn't mean we've agreed to actually go in the studio and work on an album.

Tamar- y'all need to get together Tuh! Listen, both of y'all are single and y'all need to quit playing.

Toni- he is not single Tayme he has a wife.

Tamar- CHILE! Do you not see the way he look at you? He smi-

Tamar get interrupted by a knock on the door. Toni gets up and opens the door as she greets Traci, Towanda, Trina and Mama E. They all walk into the living room as Tamar greets them as well.

Tamar- so have y'all heard about Ms. Living Legend doing part two of love marriage and divorce

Toni- there is a possibility! Ken and I have talked about it Tamarrrr. We haven't made it official rather we do it or not.

Trina- y'all need to.

Tamar- thank you Trina!

Traci- it helped me and Kevin get through some stuff.

Toni- I don't know yet you guys.. I've been doing my own stuff right now, I just got signed to a new label so I have stuff I'm doing.

Towanda- how does Kenny feel about doing a part two?

Toni- he's completely up for it, but I have somethings I'm doing and my schedule is booked right now.. I have meetings, radio shows, interviews, studio time, stuff with the boys. Y'all I'm booked for at least two months.

Mama E- just take care of yourself while doing all of that.

Tamar- okay and after those two months what are you doing? Nothing right?

Toni- Tay I can't just continually work, I have to take breaks and stuff so after that I'll see what Ken say.

Tamar- Thank you!!

For the rest of the evening the girls and mommy hung out at Toni's house until it started to get night time and they all left. Once they left Toni went into her bedroom since she had the house to herself since the boys were at their friends house.

5:30 am
Wednesday morning! (Meeting with the record label)

Toni's POV- so my alarm clock goes off and I realized that it's just the beginning of my work schedule for two months straight. A none stop work schedule, I got out of bed and made it up before I went into the bathroom and started my daily hygiene routine. I started getting dressed as I looked at the time noticing that I still had an hour before I had to leave. As I got an unexpected phone call early this morning.

Phone call-
Toni- hello
??- Goodmorning T
Toni- Kenny?
Ken- geesh can you at least say goodmorning back?
Toni- I'm sorry goodmorning, but what are you doing up so early? Usually weekdays you're sleep around this time.
Ken- Nicole went out of town and I have to get Peyton ready for school, she's all dressed and stuff but her hair is the problem.
Toni- *giggles* just spray her hair with water until it's wet, not dripping wet but wet enough then brush her hair to detangle it, start at the end and work your way to her roots. Make sure you put some curl activator cream or get some eco styling gel and rub it through her hair to define her curls and you should be good.
Ken- you're a life saver thanks. Also, sorry if I woke you up.
Toni- you didn't, but I'll see you at the meeting and don't be late.
Ken- never late, just make sure you aren't late, shorty.
Toni- bye, Ken.
Ken- bye, T.
Phone call ends.

It's now 6:45 am and the meeting starts at 7:00. Toni gets in her car and she backs out of the driveway and starts driving downtown Los Angeles. Once she makes it she parks in her assigned parking spot. She got out and got on the elevator and went to the tenth floor. Once the elevator door opened she walked into the first door where the meeting was located as she sat by Ken and the meeting began.

Kenny's POV- once the meeting was over I saw Toni standing over by la talking to Vince and La, I'm not gonna lie to y'all.. I've been feeling Toni more than just as my sister for awhile now. But, she makes it so hard for me to not grab that ass of hers. Nicole hasn't been satisfying me because she's been gone and Toni standing over there with this tight ass dress on that's hugging her perfectly showing her curves. The ass is sitting right just everything. But, I really want her to commit to doing this album, wanna know why? Because that means we have to promote together, go on tour together.. all of that good stuff maybe I can hit it again while we on tour.

Toni turned around to notice that Ken was zoned out so she walked over there and sat by him.

Toni- Kenny, you okay?

Ken- yeah but um I need to to talk to you, but not in here. Let's go to my office.

Toni- can we talk about it later or come over to the house later tonight I have to go get the boys from practice. Oh, and bring Peyton I know the boys would love to see her.

Ken- okay I will.

Toni kisses his cheek as she told the others in the meeting goodbye. Once she left she drove back to Calabasas to get the boys from basketball practice. Then she went back home, as she got in the house she started to get dinner as the boys went upstairs to get all cleaned up.

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