Chapter 3

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Sunshine's POV

[October 12, 2045]

"What the heck?" I heard Don said. I looked up from the book me and Ray are reading before looking at Don with Conny holding his back shirt with free hand. "He pretty much got us all."

"I mean, it is Norman." Nat said while opening his arms, as if presenting something amazing. I sighed before continuing to read the book.

"The only one still in it. . ." Anna started while looking at Gilda.

". . . Is Emma." Gilda finishes her statement with a smile.

"Though I doubt Emma will win, if Sunshine joined us . . . "Thoma trailed, looking at me.

". . . Then, we will surely win!" Lani finishes his statement, causing me to smile with a hint of confusion.

What's with people synchronizing their sentences?

"Yeah! Remember the one and only time Sunshine joined us?"

"Yeah! He beat Norman by hiding above Ray's tree!"

"Yeah! and remember the only time she played chess?"

"Yeah! He beat Mama and Norman completely!" I deadpanned at their sentences.

What? Is this supposed to be Throwback Thursday?

I noticed Norman walking ahead of Emma with a soft smile on his face, while Emma had a sullen look on his face which concludes everyone's thoughts.

"Emma lost again!"

"Norman's the winner, again!" Norman sat on the other side of Ray while Emma started to whine.

"He caught me again! Why?! I don't understand!" Emma said loudly while banging her fist and feet alternatively on the floor. "I hate this!" Emma stopped banging and laid her body face down on the grass.

"Question." Ray said looking up from the book, I continue to read since I know what will happen. "What does Norman have that you don't?" he asked.

"Um. . . A calculating nature? Composure? Overwhelming smarts?" Emma started to list off what she don't have, per se. I decided to join for fun.

"White hair? Striking bright blue eyes?" I said as I giggled softly. Emma nodded frantically, Norman looked at me with a soft smile on his face while Ray's expression is unreadable.

Did I do something wrong?

"A game plan. Tactics in other words." Ray states as he placed his watch back in his pocket before closing the book. "Sure, in terms of pure physical ability, you probably have the upper hand because of your super stamina that Norman don't have." Ray then starts to explain as he placed the book on my lap.

"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that." Norman sweat dropped.

"But Norman is better up here." Ray points his head where his brain is located, ignoring Norman's side comment. I reached his hand so I can hold him and he complied He tightens his hold on my hand before continuing to explain further. "He's greater than anyone. Tag is a game built around game plans and strategies."

Emma showed a confused expression before saying that it's only a game of tag. I sighed before explaining, continuing where Ray left off.

"It's like a game of chess, Emma." I said softly while holding Ray's hand in between my hands. "But you're using your whole body, mind, and making use of your surroundings. Isn't that right, Norman?" I stated while looking at Norman. I felt Ray's hand squeeze my own. I looked at Ray in confusion but he's looking at Norman.

Sunshine [Ray x OC][Indefinite Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now