Chapter 20

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Third Person POV

[November 3, 2045, Night, Outside the shared bedroom]

"What are you doing here?" Sunshine asked Ray, ignoring the pain in her heart. Ray looked at her in guilt before reaching out his hand. Sunshine flinched and moved back, placing a hand on her bandaged elbow and lowering her gaze down the floor. Ray winced when Sunshine ignored his outstretched hand. Ray slowly put down his hand and just looked at Sunshine who's still ignoring him.

"Shine. . ." Ray muttered. Sunshine tensed at the nickname.

"You. . . used to call me that. Why call me that now?" Sunshine said in a low voice wile caressing her elbow and ignoring the crack in her voice for trying to hold her tears. Ray's heart clenched in pain to see Sunshine in this state.

"I'm. . . I'm sorry. I didn't mean-- I didn't know." Ray stuttered for words. Sunshine sighed shakily before looking at Ray with her tear-stained face.

"I-It's okay. It's not your fault. It's mine. Because I didn't tell you soon." Sunshine muttered, anxiety spiking in her. Ray's eyes widen as he saw the crying face of Sunshine. Ray wanted to hug her, wipe her tears, say sorry a million times but he can't. He can't and that frustrated him to no end.

"I. . . " Ray trails off. Sunshine sniffed once, wiping her eyes to remove the tears. "I'm sorry." Ray's voice become hoarse. Sunshine nods and turned her back against him. She was about to walk away when a body hugged him from behind.

"Sunshine. . ." Ray starts as he hugs Sunshine tighter. Sunshine is too stunned to speak, even move. Ray buried his face face in Sunshine's hair, inhaling her sweet scent of fresh books and smoke (Note: You know, cooking)

"I-I'm really sorry. Please forgive me. I-I-- Don't leave me please. I need you. I can't live without you." Ray sobbed, pulling Sunshine impossibly tighter. Sunshine covered her mouth, letting out a sob as salty tears started to fall. Ray decided that it's enough so he pulled away, but Sunshine turned around to face him and hugged him tightly, burying his face on his stomach.

"Ray. . . I know you're hurt. I know because your bestfriend will be gone. I know your frustrations. And it's okay. I forgive you. I'm here for you. I will always be here for you. But you hurt me. All this time you don't believe that I am not from this world." Sunshine forced those words out.  "I'm sorry."

'It's true. It's all true I hurt her, and that's unforgiveable. I can't-- I can't believe I hurt her.'

Ray is stunned. He didn't move when Sunshine pulled away. He didn't move when Sunshine looked at him with a sad smile etched in her face. He didn't move when Sunshine turned his back to him and walked away with her head down.

'Sunshine. . . '

Ray whispered her name as he raised his hands up, attempting to grab her back, only to grab a thin air. He snapped out of his daze when it dawned him that Sunshine left him.

'I hurt her. She left me.'

"No." Ray mouthed, dropping down on the floor and clenching his hands in top of his heart as unbelievable pain passed through him without warning. His heart broke even more when he visualized Sunshine leaving him over and over again. "Shine. . ."

Sunshine was no better. In fact, she was even worst. At the corner of the library sat Sunshine with her head tucked between her raised knees while hugging them. Sunshine sobbed quietly, not wanting to let anyone know that she is crying.

Sunshine [Ray x OC][Indefinite Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now