Chapter 37

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Ray's POV

[January 25, 1046, Shelter B 06-32, Search for Minerva Arc] [I apologize for the huge timeskip]

[Play music above. Wait for the singer to start for better experience. Soak in every words. Do not speed read for better experience.]

Three days went past in a blur. I've read books in morning, afternoon, while eating, and even in the evening. But whenever I am laying down on my bed, I don't touch these books. I grabbed mine and Sunshine's pictures and stared at them. I didn't even realize that I am crying until a calloused hand wiped the tears.

Looking up, I saw Emma's sad gaze on me. I look down at the pictures before deciding to put them under the pillow and tried to sleep.

"Ray." Emma said softly. "Talk to me." she pleaded. I buried my face on my pillow as is silenced my sobs.

"Sunshine. . ." I mumbled weakly. Emma patted my back in a repeated motion as I cried my heart out. I cried in pain, sadness, anger, longing, and. . .

Heartbreak. . . Heartache. . .

"Ray. . ." I heard Emma said. Suddenly a pain struck me from behind, making my back arch from the sudden pain. I faced Emma with an angry look but my anger vanished as I saw Emma's crying face. 

"Emma. . . why are you-"

"Stop whining and compose yourself!" Emma shouted right at my face. I looked at her stunned as her tears rapidly flowed down her cheeks. "You're not the only one. . . the only one who lost someone who they love!"

I just stared at her. The loss of Sunshine and Norman really took a toll on me and Emma. The four of us are the closest, though me and Sunshine are joined to the hips. We never separate. And now. . .

"I miss her." I look down as the tears that gathered a while ago drops down rapidly. Emma hugged me as we cried our sorrows away.

"Ray!" Sunshine shouts as she slapped my hand away from her food. I snickered as I continued to eat my portion of my food as Sunshine pouts. "Eat your food, not mine."

"Sorry." I half-heartedly apologized. Sunshine grumbled under her breath as she continued to eat. I stared at her as I noticed her features. Just then a kick from under the table hit my leg, making me flinch in pain.

I looked at the source to see Norman smirking at me. I look around as the others looked at me with a happy smile. Someone patted me on my right shoulder and I looked up to see my older 'sibling' Shekainah.

"Looks like someone's in love~" She smiled cheekily. I blushed wildly as I stuffed myself with food.

"Ray's in love?" Sunshine suddenly blurted out, making me choke on my food. "With whom?" she asked innocently. I drank the water repeatedly as Shekainah pats my back to help me get rid of food chunks that get stuck on my airway.

"Oh my! Someone's dense!"

I opened my eyes, finding it difficult to do because of the crusty morning stars that sealed my eyes shut. I look to my side to see Emma sleeping peacefully. I stared at her face as I noticed deep circles under her eyes. I sighed deeply before slipping off carefully, not wanting to wake her up.

Sunshine [Ray x OC][Indefinite Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now