Chapter 31

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Third Person POV

[January 15, 2046, Underground Tunnel]

"But, where is Sunshine?" Ray asked. Everyone now is silent. Ray looked around, hoping to see his girl. "Where is she?"

"Let us all eat first before I tell you." Mujika offered Ray and Emma looked at her before following her orders reluctantly. This response of Mujika left a bad feeling in Ray's stomach. "Here you go." She said as she gave a soup to Chris.

"Thank you!" Chris replied happily. 

"Ray, here you go!" Ray stared at the soup given to him. He looked around, not being too obvious to staring at the two demons. "What's the meaning of this? They're acting way too intimate. And where's Sunshine? Why can't they tell us?" Emma stayed silent.

"We ate some earlier today, and so far it seems like it's safe." Gilda said to Ray and Emma as she smiled sadly. This didn't go unnoticed by the two as they continued to stare at her.

"More importantly, it's thanks to them that you guys are back with us." Don said. Ray looked at her with an unreadable expression that made Don nervous.

"Then, where's Sunshine? I've been asking about her all this time and yet, no one's replying to me." Ray said as his anger slowly rises. "Where is she?!" The kids and the demons were silent. Anna slowly stood up and made her way to Ray without letting her tears fall.

"Ray." Anna started as she sat down properly in front of him. "S-She wanted to give this to you." Anna's voice cracked as she forced those words out. She then gave Ray a film where Sunshine is poking his red cheeks. Ray looked at it with shock.


"She. . . She sacrificed herself so that we can get inside this tunnel without getting caught." Anna said as calmly as she could. "I don't know if she's alive or-"

"She's alive!" Ray shouts, causing Anna to flinch but Ray paid no mind to that and instead, he stared at the photo. "She's alive." He whispered as tears started to fall. Emma looked at Anna in shock.

"W-Why can't I remember this?" Emma stuttered. "I-I could've found a way to save her."

"You have other plans. And I know you know it. Sunshine knows it." Anna said as she wiped a tear that managed to escape her eyes. Mujika and Sonju looked at them sadly.

"Let's just eat first before talking about such matters, shall we?" Mujika said in a kind voice to not trigger Ray more. Everyone agreed and went to their places. Emma looked around as the expression of the children are mixed with happiness and sadness. She then looked at Ray who's staring at nothing while holding the picture. Emma looked down at her bowl as she started to eat.

"Thank you, Sunshine." Emma mumbled quietly as she started to eat.


Soon, the younger children are asleep so it's time for Emma and Ray to ask questions to their rescuers. Emma looked at Ray's back as they trudged their way to Sonju. His back is arched low like there's a weight on them, and Emma can't help but worry about Ray.

"Ray. . ." Emma said worriedly. Ray looked back and Emma can't help but stare at his figure. His eyes have a blank expression as if he can't focus on one thing, his hand kept on touching his bracelet and most of all, his fingers didn't let go of the picture Sunshine left for him. At last, they reached the figure of Sonju boiling some drink.

Sunshine [Ray x OC][Indefinite Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now