Chapter 65.

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As the days went on, It wasn't long until Yoko managed to work her way into John's life again.

One day when John was over to pick up Sean, she wanted to be his partner again. Professionally. I didn't mind it so much since this would mean Sean and Max could see each other mostly everyday until the record was over. But there was still a part of me that kept my guard up. I know John still had feelings for her. I mean for fucks sake the two were the couple the whole world knew as "perfect".

But as the month passed, John began to act...differently. He spent most of his time in the studio with her. He only got calls at home only from her. I tried not to let it bother me. It wasn't until the day the album cover came out I realised....things were changing. And not for the better of our relationship.


August 29, 1980

I stared at the album cover. Both of them. Together. Kissing. In love.

I felt like a piece of and and John slowly broke apart. The thing that just fueled the fire was the fact he approved it. Without me. It was as if I was forgotten about the entire album. He stopped including me in anything. Interviews, outings, the whole fuckin thing. And now this!?

I was sitting in the living room, watching tv and wiping the small tears escaping my eyes. It was about eight in the evening when John finally came home.

He came over and sat next to me. I looked away and swallowed the lump in my throat, composing myself.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"It was alright. Busy as usual." He shrugged. I nodded and set the paper to the side.

"How was yours?" He asked.

Terrible. "Fine. Just fine. I um...I went to the doctor today. For a check up. Nothing important to discuss."

"Lucy I'm sorry I couldn't be there. I tried but..."

"It's okay John. Like I said, nothing important to discuss. Just the usual. Are you hungry?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I already ate."

"Alright well, I'm going to shower. I need to get Max's things ready for the morning."


I looked at him strangely. "Max starts school tomorrow."

"Oh. Yeah I...I completely forgot. I'm sorry. I'll get his things ready."

"Are you sure I..."

"I'll do it."

I nodded and left the room.


I woke up the next morning to the feeling of Max shaking me.

"Mommy I don't feel good."

I sleepily sat up and noticed John was already gone. I sighed.

"Baby it's your first day of school."

He just pouted. I sat up and felt his forehead.

"You feel perfect Max. What is this? Are you nervous?"

He nodded and climbed on the bed with me. "I don't want to leave."

I layed us down and played with his hair. "You're not leaving baby. It's only a few hours. Don't you want to meet new friends, colour, learn a few things?"


I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I know it sounds scary. But it'll be fun. I promise."

He shook his head and started crying. I pouted and held him against me. "Aww my poor baby. I won't let anyone hurt you okay? But you have to go."

He sadly nodded and reluctantly got out of bed. I followed him, dressed him and drove him to school. I took a picture and walked him to his class. He was hugging my leg as his teacher came by.

"Hello there little one. Is this Maxwell?" She asked. I nodded.

"He's a little nervous. I have to admit, I'm a little broken hearted to see him go."

She smiled. "Don't worry. He'll fit in here. I'll make sure he's looked after. Most parents are just as nervous as you."

I nodded and leaned down, giving Max one last kiss. He hugged me and said his goodbyes.

I left the school, wiping my tears and making my way back home. That's when I turned up the radio and heard the interview.

" with your wife not here, does that give you two some more freedom to express yourselves as you used to?" You two meaning him and Yoko.

"Well in a way I suppose. Lucy's not a musician like myself or Yoko. So in a way she wouldn't understand that aspect of it. But as for freedom..."

"Me and John think alike in many ways that I do believe others just wouldn't understand." Yoko added. I felt a pain in my chest.

"So in saying that....has working together sparked any kind of lost love that's being rekindled?" The interviewer asked. It was silent until John spoke.

"If I'm being honest, yes. Definitly."

I turned the radio off and looked up just in time to see another car speeding right towards me.


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