Ch 16: Trip to the Town

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"Why do you suddenly want to raise rabbits?"

To his response, Liu Xun narrated a story for him with a straight face,"To be honest, I initially caught that gray one for dinner but that white one suddenly came out and looked longingly at this gray one so I realized that they were a pair. I was moved to tears and decided to adopt them."

Wan Yu, "..."

Ye Qing, "..."

Ignoring one human and one rabbit's speechless face, Liu Xun continued,"Behold, Erqao, and Erqing! Aren't they such a cute couple?"

Ignoring the fact that both rabbits were males, Wan Yu slightly hummed in agreement.

Nevertheless, his eyes couldn't help but stay a bit more on the gray one.

Why do its eyes look to be intelligent?

However, before Wan Yu could dwell on this matter, Liu Xun suddenly said,"Ah Yu, did your days go well in the Forbidden Area?"

According to the novel, the protagonists met each other and had their second interactions.

Well, even though it was no longer the case now.

Anyway, what he wanted to make sure was whether the two met each other or not.

Wan Yu, on the other hand, replied perfunctorily, "Fine, just a bit boring."

Hearing that he did not disclose any contents of his adventure, Liu Xun bluntly asked,"Did you meet Ximen?"

After this name came out, Wan Yu's face instantly sank as the corner of his lips slightly drew down.

"Why bother asking for her?"

Seeing his dark face, Liu Xun slightly pursed his lips together, "Well, I have never bumped into any acquaintance so I asked whether you met anyone familiar or not."

Of course, Wan Yu did not buy his excuse, he squinted his almond-shaped eyes,"You, stop involving yourself with her. I warn you."

Fortunately for Liu Xun, soon Su Ze came and called them over.

"Both of you, descend the mountain with me to go into the town to buy some supplies."

Hearing this, Liu Xun widened his eyes in shock, his voice was full of excitement,"You mean, we can go outside the Sect?!"

"Mm. So go pack your belongings. We leave first thing in the morning."

"Got it!"

Seeing how excited he was, Wan Yu gave a helpless sigh,"Why are you so excited?"

Liu Xun turned his head to look at him in bewilderment,"Aren't you suffocated staying here all the time?! Not to mention, I have never stepped outside for a whole two years! This is going to be my first trip outside ah!"

Wan Yu looked at his excited face then suddenly he saw the other person's face fell, he worriedly asked"What's wrong?"

To his response, Liu Xun raised his hand to touch his face and fell into deep contemplation.

That's right, he forgot that if he went out looking like this, normal people would freak out for sure.

Therefore, he quickly turned to the little protagonist,"Can you make a human skin mask?"

Hearing this, Wan Yu was a bit surprised. Was it his imagination that he seemed to be more mindful of his own appearance nowadays?

In any case, Wan Yu honestly answered,"I can. I will go make one for you now."

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