Ch 15: Forbidden Area (2)

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Ye Qing didn’t know what he said wrong to make the other party become even more hostile toward him.

Fearing that the hostility came from distrust toward his words, he hurriedly added,‘’I really speak the truth! Your meridians got blocked so you can’t cultivate, it is not like you born to be a waste or it is incurable!’’

Of course, Liu Xun was not worried about this part. The moment he knew his identity he had the impulse to kill this guy in order to get rid of any problem arising in the near future.

However, it was easier said than done.

First of all, he has never killed someone so even though Ye Qing was inside the rabbit’s body, he still couldn’t treat him as a mere animal.

Secondly…he had a gut feeling that he might not be able to kill this guy even if he wanted to.

From what he remembered, Wu Jing met this Demon when he was doing the servant’s chores in the Outer compounds, definitely not in this forbidden area. Due to this fact, he was relaxed and never thought that he would meet Ye Qing here.

Thinking of recent development, Liu Xun’s heart sank.

The uneasiness and anxiety were even heavier than when he first realized that he was Wu Jing.

Will he get killed by Wan Yu in the end?

At the thought of this, Liu Xun unconsciously increased the strength that was used to hold the rabbit causing Ye Qing to painfully exclaim,’’Hey! Go easy on me! I am still useful ah!’’

Due to his loud voice, Liu Xun finally got pulled back from his thoughts to glance at the rabbit in his hand. He thoughtfully looked at him trying to weigh the pros and cons.

Indeed, Ye Qing still had some use left for him later on…

After a short interval of pausing, Liu Xun finally calmed down and arrived at a conclusion,’’Fine. I will let you live and even bring you out of this place.’’

Hearing this, Ye Qing was thrilled thinking that he finally talked some sense into him but his joy didn’t last for long after hearing his next sentence.

‘’But you need to enter Master-Servant contract with me.’’

Seeing that the rabbit’s face suddenly turned fierce, Liu Xun unhurriedly put down another sentence as he nonchalantly shrugged,’’Or become my dinner. You pick. I have nothing to lose anyway.’’

With his declaration, Ye Qing became hesitant. At first, he wanted to be in equal standing with this brat since he thought that he held valuable information against him but after seeing his bland reaction, he realized that this person was not a simpleton after all.

That brat had nothing to lose but for him, he might disappear anytime soon. 

He needed to return to the Demon realm before exhausting all of his demonic energy.

After falling into a long silence, in the end, he gritted his teeth and resigned to his fate. 

With this, Liu Xun finally felt reassured that Ye Qing wouldn’t dare to kill or harm him in the future unlike in the original plot in which Wu Jing signed an equal contract with him.

Thinking again, Wu Jing was surprisingly quite naïve, wasn’t he?

To be honest, after receiving Wu Jing’s memories, Liu Xun’s impression of this character was different from that of reading the novel.

The novel was written in the female lead’s perspective so Wu Jing’s appearances were always those when he was doing bad deeds like killing righteous cultivators, commanding the demon army to invade the human’s realm, and fought with the leads in the Great War.

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