Chapter 2: Just Visiting...

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I sighed as I pulled out the ticket for the balding man to let me onto the plane. I was leaving early, it was 2 in the morning but I didn't want to have to face Cameron and his worries when I woke up so I decided to book a flight that would give me time to sleep and think.

He let me pass and when I got to the plane I placed my phone on airplane mode so that I could listen to music.

"Hey, Robin!" my brothers voice called from the other side of mum and dads house.

"Jamie!" I yelled back hoping that he would come because I was bored and a 12 year old brother is a lot more fun when you're 600 with no mate.

"Hey big sister." He said as he left the house.

"Hi." I said and he gave me a smile as he sat next to me on the lawn. "One day I will bring you up there." I said as I led down on the grass.

"How will you go up there?" he asked as he led down with me.

"Fly." I smiled. "I will one day be the best Zeta in the world and I will fly from place to place to help werewolves all over the world." I said with a small smile to try and get him interested. "You will be able to fly with me." I said as I placed a small kiss on his forehead. "Just promise me that you will wait till I can fly to fly with me." I said and he nodded into my side.

"I will never fly without you because when you can there will be more countries in the world to visit and they will bend the world 'till its round so you don't have to look back for us but straight ahead." He said and I never believed it to be true.

"Jamie, please come here now we're going on a perimeter search." Mum said. She always took him out with her when they left because she trusted no one, not even her 600 year old girlfriend.

"Here," I said taking off my locket that was made specifically for me with my initials engraved into the back and a family portrait engraved as well as possible into the front. It was a sliver oval. "For good luck." I told him and he nodded.

"Have a good day Robin, and good luck learning to fly." Jamie smiled before running off to mum, that was the last time I saw him as the rouges killed them that day.

"Miss we have arrived." The flight attendant said as she shook me awake with a small smile. So much for thinking while I was on the flight.

"Thanks." I said getting up and picking up my carry-on luggage.

As I exited the airport I spotted the woman who was waiting to pick me up and walked over.

"Hey, I'm Robin; I came here for the surgery." I said and recognition washed over her face.

"Yes of course." She said with a slight smile. "How could I not notice, please get in and I will handle your belongings." She said and I got into the back of the car she was standing next to as she loaded up the boot with my luggage and other items.

By the time we got to the pack hospital for me to see the Beta, I had almost fallen asleep again due to boredom.

"Hello and thank you for coming Zeta Robin." The Alpha said as he left the pack Hospital.

"Hello, I would love to have a nice long chat but there is a Beta in there waiting for me, has everything been prepared?" I asked as I took a white coat and some scrubs that were handed to me.

"Yes the Beta is ready for immediate surgery." One of the doctors nearby said for the Alpha since he looked lost.

I quickly walked over to a sink and washed my hands. "How long has he been in this state?" I asked as I pulled a towel off the rack and dried my hands with it.

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