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Static and deafening screams were all that can be heard, the shrieks of crying mothers, cradling bundles to their chests along with the wails of the children that had no idea what occurs. The sounds were pained to listen. Rose colored hands were pressed against the elongated ears as one tried to silence the pounding in their head.

Her legs shook fiercely, curled up within her own form, Amaranth found herself unable to do much. With the planet around her shaking, her own fears seemed to be drowned out by the sound of everyone else. This planet had not long left before the explosion, it was easy for everyone to tell. Despite words of reassurance seemingly drifting around. Trying to make light of a situation so bleak. Her heart pounded against her rip cage, she knew there was nothing to do.

All transportation off the planet had already been taken by those selfish enough to leave everyone else to perish on a dying planet. Such an action filled her heart with hatred, to think! That they would leave without giving anyone else a chance to join! And now it was fate for everyone else remaining to die!

The very word, death, scared her.

It caused tears to drip down her skin, gold eyes only gaining a red hue as she found her tears stinging her eyes as the ash from the fires spread further. The rumbling continued, it grew more fierce and bold with each swing of the planets core! Biting her lips hard enough to taste the metallic blood, Amaranth clasped her hands tightly together!

She didn't want to die! She didn't!! Why ... why why why!?

Was today not meant to be the day she finally took control of her life!? To actually find a place of her own, to life and advance her abilities? Was it truly to be the end?

As another eruption of volcanic matter blasted through the ground, Amaranth held a last prayer, to where she wouldn't have to endure the pain of death! Her own screams drowned out the noise around her as the planet no longer held the strength, the explosion being a spectral of the observing eyes of the wicked.



"WAAAHHHHH .... ah?"

The high pitch ring of wails were the last to pass by the faint lips as surprise shook Amaranth into silencing her own cries ... wait, wait wait! Why was she staring up towards such a crafted ceiling like this?? Tiny hands clenched to fists, surprise once again as the tiny ivory arms were raised above her face, observing with caution .... narrowing eyes ....

She turned her hands into fists again, and the tiny hands did the same!? What!? Is that her hands!?! Panic set in as her head begins to turn around, observing her surroundings. The cradle in which she was currently trapped in was the only indicator of what she was ... she ... when did she become a baby!?! With her own surprises causing her to wail out once again, her cries were quickly silenced as a door slide open with speed, the noise followed by plenty of feet as she finds herself now surrounded by the faces of concerned faces. Many in which, she noticed of clearly different species.

"What is wrong with the Princess!? Was she not just sleeping peacefully??"
"She must have just woken up! Could she have soiled herself??"
"Nothing stinks it must be she is hungry!"
"Then go prepare a bottle!"

The overwhelming noise seemed to almost make her head turn! The faces of the women then seemed to quickly dart around the rather large room, one having ran out to perhaps go prepare the bottle which had been mentioned before. A single woman than hovered over the cradle which Amaranth remains in, confused. "Come here now, do not worry little Princess, food shall almost be here.~" The green skinned woman cooed gently, reaching in to pick the tiny baby up and cradle her close.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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