Slow hands

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"Louis!" I push him back, "Shit. H, are you okay?" Harry's hand cradles his nose, I can see blood slowly dripping from it. "I feel a bit woozy actually." Niall is off the sofa in one swift move and motions for Harry to sit down. Lana moves over slightly but after spotting the blood, quickly runs off to find something to help.  
"Harry, here," I take his arm and guide him over to the sofa where he sits slowly. I side eye Louis, he hasn't moved; his jaw is clenched with his hand still in a fist. I kneel down in front of Harry. "Lean forward with your elbows on your knees, it will help it clot. Thanks Lana," She hands me some toilet roll which I give to Harry, "Pinch the top of your nose." Harry does what he is told. 
"Lad, you don't have any right..." Louis begins. 
"Louis, I think you've done quite enough. Stop!" I snap back at him. He pulls out one of our dining room chairs and sits on it grumpily. "Ouch." Harry is blinking several times his hair flopped over his face as he's bent forward.
"I'm so sorry H," I glance over and Louis angrily. 
"Don't apologise for me!" Louis furiously interjects.
"Well you're clearly not going to be man enough to do it for yourself," I shoot back. He sits back in the chair and crosses his arms clearly seething.
Lana, who is trying extremely hard to be serious, is clearly amused by the whole situation and I know that there will be an, 'I told you so' from her later.
"I think it's stopping" Harry mutters pulling the tissue away from his face. Louis sighs loudly. "Let's see." I say gently. He lifts his head up. "Yeah that looks better. Let's go wash your face though." I stand up. In an instant, Louis is on his feet and grabs my arm. 
"Do you really need to help him wash his face?" His blue eyes burning into mine.
"Yes. He doesn't feel great so I'm going to help him." I say coldly shrugging out of his grip before turning back to Harry. "H, come on." I take his arm, throwing it around my shoulders as he stands up and lead him down the hall to the bathroom. "Thanks P." Harry murmurs as I close the door behind us and he sits down on the edge of the bath. I let out a giggle of disbelief and shake my head, "I can't believe he punched you!" Turning away, I pick up a hand towel and run a corner under the tap to wet it. "I can. As soon as I walked in, I knew. I could tell by his face, Harry sighs, I turn and put my hand on his forehead then slowly dab, gently, at the areas with blood. He grimaces slightly. "Can you breathe through it?" I ask.
"Yeah and I think the pain isn't as bad now." He replies.
"I don't think it's broken then." I say and he smiles slightly. Harry opens his legs and places his hands on my hips bringing me closer to him. Even when he's sat down his head is the same level as mine as I'm so damn short compared to him. He looks at me with those dreamy green eyes; I slowly glance at those perfect lips then gently he leans in and his lips are on mine once more. 
"Paige? Are you guys okay?" Lana bursts through the door. I move so quickly I accidentally push Harry who falls backwards into the bath. He starts laughing and having realised what I have done I too start laughing hysterically. Full of suspicion, Lana looks at us both. Having composed himself slightly, Harry places a hand on either side of the bath and pulls himself up to stand next to me - Still giggling. 
I couldn't breathe I was laughing so much until I glance up at Lana, who had her arms pulled across her chest in a non-approving way. I suddenly stop and Harry clears his throat. 
"Ahem, yes thank you. We are just coming back now. I'm Harry by the way. Harry Styles." He smiles and holds his hand out to her. 
"I know who you are. Paige has told me a lot about you." She raises an eyebrow giving his hand a scathing look. I frown at her; she sees and moves her head slightly as if to say 'what?' I move my eyes to Harry's hand and frown again in a gesture to almost say 'shake his damn hand.' She finally takes his hand and shakes it before quickly crossing her arms again. Harry smiles at her, dimples and all. He looks down at himself; with his right hand, he slowly brushes down the front of his vest and pulls his jacket across himself but doesn't do it up. Only now do I notice his beautiful hands enhanced by the green and pink nails and the many rings. "Excuse me." Harry says awkwardly to Lana, who is stood in the doorway still. She steps into the bathroom unblocking the door allowing Harry to walk back towards the living room. I go to follow but Lana blocks my way. "What?" I ask innocently and she rolls her eyes.
"What? What did I just walk in on Paige?" She demands.
"Nothing." I say. 
"I'm not fucking stupid." Her eyes bore into mine. "Seriously?" I sit on the edge of the bath and put my head in my hands. "Lana you don't understand." I say. She walks over and kneels down in front of me trying to pull my hands away from my face. "Then let me." She says smiling. 
"Louis and I are amazing. We really are, but Harry... like I said the other day, there's just something saying what if. He told me he loves me." Lana sighs heavily. 
"It's not fair for you to do this to them." I nod sadly.
"I know but I can't let either of them go." She frowns. "I know it's selfish of me." 
"No, you're just confused. If it was me - fuck Harry. He's put you through a load of shit. I would choose Louis a 100 percent. He was there for you all this time!" This makes me laugh slightly. "In all seriousness though Paige, you can't carry on like this. You're gonna have to tell them otherwise Liam will. You're gonna have to make a choice eventually." she squeezes my hands. "So, you guys are gonna have to come help me out," Niall's head pops round the door, "It's really fricking awkward out here."  I let out a small laugh and smile into my hands. 
"You okay Paige?" Niall asks with concern in his voice. I look up at him and nod. I get up and follow him and Lana out from the comfort of the bathroom. 

"Ah luv there you are." Louis says as I enter the living room. He goes to move towards me and I flash him an angry look letting him know I'm still annoyed at him. He stays put.  Harry's back on the sofa pretending not to notice the daggers Louis keeps shooting at him. "So, Harry, what have you been doing since Paige left you?" Lana breaks the silence. I snort and everyone turns to look at me. "Sorry," I say concealing my smile. Harry grins at me.
"Well I wrote a new album. Did you get the PR package I sent you Niall?" He asks and Niall winces before nodding. I think back to the day it arrived; It was late November. 

I hadn't been back in London long and the doorbell rang. Niall was out and I took the package in for him. The courier looked horrified at my appearance. I was wrapped up in my duvet with dark black circles underneath my eyes and my hair looked like a bird had been nesting in it.
"Package for Mr Horan." He says eyeballing me suspiciously. 
"Yeah I'll take it." He hands it over reluctantly, I sign for it, say thank you and then shut the door. 
I look at the top of the box and see the return address. Harry Styles.
Without even thinking, I tear it open. Inside was a T-Shirt, a CD and a Record. There was also a note. 
Niall - I'm so excited for you to listen to this. It's made from the heart. All the love - H x
I cast it aside and immediately played the record.  I listened and listened; when I got to Falling, I broke down into tears. Niall came home to find me in an absolute state, so much so, that he had to call Louis. 

"Yeah, it's a great record." Niall says and Harry smiles. 
"Apart from that," he turns back to Lana shrugging, "Just living life." 
"Fooking good for you." Louis says from the corner of the room. "You carry on living your life while we pick up the broken pieces you've cast behind, do you know what I mean?" He scoffs and catches my eye - I look away quickly. Harry frowns. 
"Well, I didn't really want Paige to go. I explained to P..." Harry started. 
"You told her to leave!" Louis rages, "She was broken, she needed her friend and you just cast her aside like a piece of shit." Lana, with her mouth open, is watching them both as if she was at a tennis match. Niall has both hands on the top of his head holding his breath. I wanted to run away.  "Lou, I know you're trying to help her but..." Harry tried talking again standing up slowly. Before he could continue, Louis was in his face almost shouting. "Don't you fucking dare lad. Don't you fucking dare talk to me like that you, little shit." His finger jabbing at Harry aggressively. I grab his arm.
"Lou, stop," my eyes pleading. He backs down quickly, stepping back and slipping his arm around my waist.
Harry looks from me to Louis and his eyes dart down to Louis arm. I just wanted to smack his hand away and take you in my arms instead. The thought floods into my head quickly and I wince at the pain of it. 
"I think I should be going now," Harry nods to Niall and Lana before heading for the door. 
"That's the best idea you had all night lad," Louis calls after him as he follows him to the door. Once out in the corridor, Harry turns to speak to me but is abruptly cut off by the door slamming in his face. "Louis!" I push past him and head out the door. Harry was halfway down the stairs. "Harry!" I call after him while running towards him. He turns and smiles warmly. "I told you it wasn't a good idea." 
"And I told you, I would fight for you! Although I didn't think it meant physically." He says putting his hand up to his nose. "I will see you tomorrow. You can come to my place, in Hampstead." I nod and he steps closer to me. I step back shaking my head.
"Not here." He nods in agreement.
"I will see you tomorrow love." He turns and heads down the stairs.
I sigh watching him go before making my way back up to the apartment.

Louis is still stood near the door when I enter but walks off towards my bedroom as I get close to him. I look over at Lana and Niall who are cuddled together on the sofa. "I'm in trouble, aren't I?" I ask them already knowing the answer. 
"Yep," Niall responds. I stiffen my jaw and then slowly make my way down the hallway.
He's left the door open for me and I lean on the frame. He's sat on my bed looking angry as hell. "Louis..." I say. 
"So, what was that about then luv?" He asks and I sigh. 
"I bumped into him and we got talking." I shrug. 
"Sure, sure. Apart from, that's a lie!" He looks up at me, the hunger for the truth in his eyes.
"I've seen him a few times." I reply. Louis puts his head in his hands. 
"Do you love him?" He asks tentatively.
"What... Lou," 
"Just tell me the truth luv. Do you love him?" His eyes pleading at me. 
"I don't know." I say honestly. I move toward him. "This thing that we've got going, I wanna see where it goes because I've never felt like this before," I reach for his hand but he moves away from me.
"Have you..." he's not looking at me. "Fooked?"
"No! We've kissed a few times." Louis let's out a laugh. 
"Oh, that's okay then, for Christ sake luv." He pushes himself up off the bed and he heads to the door. My eyes begin to fill with tears. "He said he would fight for me Louis. I thought you would do the same." I yell at his back. He turns around and briefly looks at me. His blue eyes glistening.

Then he walks out the door.

Count the stars - 1D HS LTWhere stories live. Discover now