Chapter 6

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I woke up with a pounding headache. I lay back down on the bed. Wait what, I'm on a bed? Jake, the guy; he was the wolf. It was all slowly coming back, someone was following me and now I was here. All this was giving me an even worse headache. A slow knock followed, it was him.

"Hey", he seemed nervous.

"Where am I" ? I was supposed to be keeping a low profile and now all chances of that is completely down the drain. Well aren't I the best at following instructions.

"I'm Jake".

"Yea I already know that so can you please tell me where I am, because as much as I would love to stay and make small talk with you I actually have places to be suprisingly enough". By the end of that sentence I was trying hard  to contain my temper and not shift something about this place was setting me on an edge.

"You're in our packs territory, The Midnight Crows".

"Oh so you can speak, well nice meeting you but I really have to leave". Midnight Crows as well as my old pack were the top three strongest packs in the country. "I cant let you leave, and I have some questions for you so for now you have to stay until our alpha comes back". I couldnt leave? " I dont care who wants see what I'm not answering anything. I really need to leave".

"Theres no point in arguing so just take a shower get ready or whatever and come down stairs. Blake should be back in an hour or so and then you can leave I guess". What didn't these people get? I wasn't supossed to be meeting, seeing or staying in contact with anyone.

Aria, it was my wolf, theres something about this place that feels really familar. Well I think its time for some snooping I replied. After I had taken an hour an half shower, it was time for my escape plan. For people who kidnap others they sure know how to treat them. I had a set of fresh clothes and it was time to settle my agitated conscience.

I was trying my hardest not to make a sound, this house was massive it was basically a mansion. My pack house was big but not as big as this.

It was good that I decided not to carry any extra things with me at times like this I actually salute my smartness eventhough my street smart side hardly ever comes. Being smart and street smart are two different things and I can tell you one thing my street smart side always needs a gentle nudge to start working. I'm suprised that I hadn't lost my way in the castle; that, or I could here voices in the room up ahead. "She isn't ready yet, it was a woman's voice.  Aria will know once she remembers, it isn't in our place to tell her anything we've been given strict orders now follow them or face the consequences".

"Yea okay but she needs to know sooner than later". It was his voice Cayden what do I do. "All in good time deary", the woman spoke. I gasped, deary? It was her! The lady from my dream. I couldn't wait here any longer. I trust my instincts very much to know she isn't good. Either Cayden isn't who he says he is or he's oblivious to the fact Cruella over there is double crossing him or using him to get  what she wants.

I had to leave now, and before I knew it I was running down a flight of stairs until my body came colliding into a wall. Now stop, it isn't a person with a rock hard body, charming eyes and beautiful brunnet golden hair who is about to catch me. Reality check guys I'm not that lucky. It is a flat brown wall and I'm sitting on the ground cursing at it. Welcome to my life.

Three people come running obviously hearing the impact or was it six. Only one familiar face that keeps popping up wherever I go, Jakeyyy I didn't know you had a twin".

"I dont, and how did you manage not to see that wall".

"Lecture me another time I'm seriously not in the mood". They blame me for not seeing the wall?! How is it my fault I wasn't the one who built this freaking mansion just because all houses have walls I'm not going to keep a record of where every wall is. Man I sound stupid the wall must've got me good. I was handed over a glass of water and an ice pack for my head, everything was so blurry now. The people around me seemed worried and had frowns on their faces, I could slowly see them  getting much clearer. A guy and a girl standing along side  Jake. The guy had his arm around the girls waist so I was assuming they were mates. I wanted to stand up on my feet when a sharp pain shot through my head as soon as I heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs.....


It's like my body wasn't even in control and before I knew it I was in his embrace with my arms wrapped around his neck and his to my waist. I was pretty sure I had been holding something. I turned around to see three shocked faces yet they weren't looking at Cayden or me but something behind us. Still in Caydens arms I looked back to see what was there or should I say who was there.

There he stood, tall powerful and charming, my wolf was stiring inside of me she was yelling. No it couldn't be, I didn't want this now, it was too much to take in. So that's  what I was holding, my glass of water. Well now Mr tall, dark and powerful was wearing my glass of water. His grey t-shirt wet from the front and the broken pieces of glass on the ground. Funnily enough I don't remember hearing the glass break. Did he feel anything at all, and as soon as I mentally said that he felt my gaze because all of a sudden his beautiful  eyes turned black, his teeth clenched and he growled, saying what I didn't want to hear.



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