Chapter 7

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Oh no, this wasn't a good start. I hadn't realised Cayden's arms were still holding me until who I'm assuming was Blake yelled "Get the F*ck away from her , well wasn't he a ray of sunshine.

To say I was shocked was a complete understatement. I didn't know how to react so I did the easiest and most common thing; I ran, out the door avoiding anyones gaze, undressed behind a tree, tied my clothes around my ankle and shifted into my white and grey wolf. It was too much to handle and instead of entertaining the fact that I'd found my mate, the one and only true person who I was destined for, whom my fate was supposedly intertwined with. I did what any coward would do, run from their problems instead of facing them head on.

I hadn't kept track of time but it was getting dark soon. Lost in my own thoughts I hadn't  realised that time had passed soquickly. I was sitting on the edge of a cliff, my surrondings all silent and soft. I was glad no one came to look  for me, the only big decision for me now was to either continue running like I have been, or go back. Running made no sense now that I thought about it, as the person I was looking for dropped straight infront of me, yet that wasn't what I was running . I didn't want to answer anything, I didn't want to have to explain myself and of all I didn't want to see him. Instead of being happy it felt like a burden, a burden that I'd have to carry with all the long list of issues that come along with me, but then there was a part telling me they're excuses that I'm making to comfort myself by saying I'm not yet ready. Am I rejecting him. The thought itself bought a sharp stab to my chest.

What are you saying, ofcourse it was none other than my wolf. He's our mate you cant reject him. Did you even think this through? I didn't have any energy to argue so I continued listening to her convince me. It doesn't just affect him Aria, it weakens us more then anything as well. After time progresses we will be to weak to even contact eachother let alone shift. I knew she was right It would take only a matter of days for our connection to be lost. I know, I snapped frustrated it was just a thought. This doesn't mean I'm running into his arms but I'm definitley not rejecting him. "I just need time" I whispered out loud.

"Take all the time you need", the voice sent shivers up my spine, it was him, Blake.

I couldn't walk my legs were frozen solid as if I had no limbs. With several thoughts and emotions runnning within me I hadn't noticed him come under the direct moonlight and stand mere centimeteres away from me. He was so close and all I had to do was reach out, but I couldn't it was like a wall was stopping me from going any further. I wanted to yet I was being stopped. All I could manage to do without fail once again was turn my back, but before I could even move, his hand was holding my wrist and he was pulling me towards him locking my eyes in his mysterious orbs. On a different note if the situation wasn't so serious I would've rolled my eyes seeing the position I was in and bluntly say how cliche of you.

"I cant let you turn away not this time", and in a blink  my eyes were no longer seeing his but a memory flash.

It was him, Blake as a young boy only ten years or so old with whom I'm assuming were his parents playing at the park, and then in a matter of seconds I was  taken to another memory a man holding a knife against his mother's throat I saw movement and looked to see what was behind them, once again Blake so young so innocent hiding under a table with his mother so close yet in his situation so far , I could see the look in his eyes not fear but helplessness and in moments I heard a scream ripple through the silence and the man's cold eyes as he looked upon the fallen body.

I felt my knees grow week as I fell on the ground. I wasn't simply just seeing things like before with Jake. This time I was physically present in the happening.

"Aria what happened you just had, I cant explain it, but it was".

"Stop", I whispered. I needed to think, none of this made sense my life at the moment was a hot mess and I was situated in a pool of unwanted questions that kept rising from the minute. I needed to see Cayden he was the only one that may be able to answer at least some of my questions, I remembered what Allies note said. He will tell you what you need to know not what you want to know. At this moment I didn't care who was under what orders my doubts were going to be cleared and that was for sure.

I looked up to see Blake's worried eyes. And with one last look trying to convey a message I ran only saying sorry in a low whisper but sure he would be able to hear me. It was time to get what I was waiting for and I was sure as hell I would be getting my answers otherwise it was time for me to give them what my definition of a gentle nudge was. Blake will have to wait for now, and although I may not want to admit it but some part of me hopes he will no matter what happens. I guess this was me shutting everyone out and building my walls even higher. I didn't expect anything anymore, and maybe this was a way of  dealing with my issues but I just saw it as a big flaw in me.

7 chappie.. vote, comment and whatever the other thing is.. this is now edited

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2015 ⏰

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