Got7 finding out you're in an abusive relationship

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Jaebeom: oh he'll fuck this guy up. even though he's not in a romantic relationship with you, he's still extremely protective of you. will absolutely seek this guy out and start throwing punches before asking questions. in his mind there's zero reason for anyone to treat you as anything less than a queen. he'll also be afraid that the guy will take his anger out on you for letting it slip that he was hurting you. in the end, Jaebeom will probably be the reason you two break up. he'll probably feel guilty about this fact, but he's relieved to know you're safe.

Mark: gets super serious when he finds out your significant other has been hurting you. he practically begs you to break up with the guy and he swears there's better options for you. if you choose to stay with the guy, expect Mark to constantly look out for you. he'll always want to double date or be your excuse if your s/o isn't in his right head. your #1 confident, and is likely storing all this info as future evidence for the authorities. he knows it's your choice, but he also knows when enough is enough. if you ever get hurt too badly or god forbid end up in the hospital for treatment, he's going straight to the police.

Jackson: equally concerned for your safety and furious with you s/o. you staying with the guy is just not an option in his head. wants to show you that you deserve so much more than the asshole you're with. if he does get you to break up with the guy, he'll definitely come with you to meet your partner and get your things as a precaution. not afraid of immediate (and likely physical) confrontation, but will want to do it without you around to see. wants to take you to a clinic to be certain that you're physically alright.

Jinyoung: cannot stop scowling when he hears about the abuse. can't stop thinking about all the injuries he's seen on you and how you always waved them off as a result of your clumsiness. you've never seen him so angry or lose his composure like this. he simply can't understand why you're still with the guy, and offers to take care of it for you if you're afraid. if you choose to stay with your partner, he'll worry himself to death over you. hates that he can't even confront your partner in case it gets you in trouble.

Youngjae: immediately tries to convince you to leave your s/o. has a long talk with you over some hot tea and tells you that you can get through this together. feels horrible that you've had to go through this alone so far. his heart breaks when you talk to him about what's been happening, and is adamant that you shouldn't stay with your partner. if you stay with your partner, he'll insist he's just a text, call, email, whatever away if you ever feel unsafe/uncomfortable. will want to create a safe plan of action in case things with your s/o escalate.

BamBam: pulls you into a hug. wants to march over to your s/o and give him a piece of his mind, but you're his top priority. asks you what he can do to help you and is more than willing to move mountains for you. comforting you and making sure you understand that this kind of behavior from your partner is not okay is extremely important to him. he's going to want to act immediately, but knows that you have final say and will respect your judgment calls.

Yugyeom: breaks a little bit when he figures it out. quietly asks you how long it's been going on for, and blames himself for not realizing it sooner. proud of you because you came to him with this and promises himself that he'll make things right somehow. will do anything to keep you from going back to the guy. even offers to leave town with you and just step away for a bit. is not going to stand by and allow this to continue. wants the very best for you and is going to do everything in his power to keep you safe.

PSA: Since this is a more serious chapter, I want to emphasize that it is NEVER my intention to romanticize domestic violence. If your partner is physically/mentally harming, manipulating, intimidating, or controlling you in an abusive manner, PLEASE reach out and seek support.

National Domestic Violence Hotline:

National Dating Abuse Helpline:

*These resources also have text/chat features if it's uncomfortable to talk over the phone. You don't have to go through this alone!

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