04- ' 'Technology' '

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The hand finally opened the door. Jotaro warned them and kicked it open to a street full of people. Who is it? Where is he? So many questions ran thought their heads. Luckily the only good thing that happen was Kakyoin waking up during that moment. Jotaro smiled. "Huh? Wha-What did I miss?" Kakyoin asked while smiling. The teens turned back. "He's awake!" Koichi said to himself. Josuke smiled at the fact, one he wasn't dead and two Jotaro is smiling himself. Jotaro went back to his emotionless face like usual and sat Kakyoin down. "We can't deny that he got away." Jotaro stared at the crowd. Koichi clinched his fists. "Kira you coward! Show yourself!" He screamed, but all he got was stares from multiple people.



"Koichi..." Josuke said, putting his hand on his shoulder. Koichi nodded. "We should all go home. Today has been a long day." Jotaro pointed out. Everyone agreed, going their separate directions.

Jotaro picked up Kakyoin like a child. He glanced at him to check if he was okay. "We got nowhere." Kakyoin Said. "We did. It's just." Jotaro stopped. He tried to smile "At least I know that we'll win the battle." Kakyoin looked up at Jotaro. "Hopefully." Kakyoin pecked Jotaro's cheek Jotaro smiled, almost having a tear stream down his face. Kakyoin grew concerned. "What's wrong?" "I just don't want to lose you again." The tear finally fell. Kakyoin swiped it away. "Your not, I promised." Kakyoin replied. Jotaro buried his face in Kakyoin's chest. "I better not." Noriaki hugged him. "You know it's kinda nice seeing you show any emotions that isn't angry or neutral. Jotaro lifted his face off of kakyoin. Show tear left in right. He soaked them up with his sleeve.    "We better get going." Jotaro said while continuing walking.

Time skip from the sweet baby boy, Jotaro

Each minute passing by seemed like hours. Kakyoin was knocked out. He wasn't in his greatest condition. Jotaro used this moment to read about the sea life of course. Occasionally looking over to check up on Nori. Jotaro closed his magazine and walked over to Kakyoin. "I wish you knew how much I love you." Jotaro smiled as he leaned in to kiss kakyoin on the forehead. "Night." Jotaro whispered towards kakyoin's direction as he flopped on the bed. Not even trying to take off anything like his coat, vest, shoes, and so on. Jotaro slowly, but surely feel asleep. Hours pasted, eventually Kakyoin woke up. He looked around at what seems to be a exhausted Jotaro. Noriaki giggled. "Cute." He muttered before standing up. Wait no, attempted to stand but fail in the process. So in other words he fell. Kakyoin cursed then covered his mouth. He looked over at Jotaro to see if he was still sleeping, but was greeted but his eyes staring at him. "Sorry- I hmm I didn't mean to wake you, I jus-" Kakyoin was interrupted by Jotaro's words. "No, it's fine." Jotaro said before getting up. "You need something? Like anything to help you walk?" Kakyoin pointed to the closest. "It should still be in my suitcase." Jotaro quickly opened the closet and grabbed the cherry print luggage. "I thought I wouldn't need it because I was fine." Kakyoin said as pulling his suit case towards him before opening it. He pulled out his leg braces. "I should be fine with these." He smiled. Jotaro nodded and helped him back on the bed. Kakyoin stared to put them on over his pants, not even brothing to hide them. "It's been so long since I've used my leg braces, I thought I was over these. Along with the other problems that come with it." Kakyoin said while looking at himself. Jotaro stared at him. "How about coffee?" Jotaro sat up. "Jotaro, it's 6 in the morning." "Yeah and it's 4 o'clock somewhere." Jotaro said. Kakyoin glared at him "fine."

Later outside...

Kakyoin looked at the ocean. "How about we check out a few things before we head to the coffee shop." Kakyoin smiled, knowing that he won't refuse. "Like what?" Jotaro questioned. "Well, they most likely won't be OPEN until 7-8AM. Also the ocea-" before Kakyoin could finished Jotaro spoke "Okay" Jotaro said dragging Kakyoin by the hand. Kakyoin laughed. "What?" Jotaro asked. "You." Kakyoin smiled. Jotaro stopped and turned to Noriaki. "What do you mean?" Jotaro was confused. "Nothing, it's just that's your adorable." Kakyoin kissed Jotaro. They where both as red as roses. "Good grief." Jotaro said while pulling his hat down to hide his smile. Kakyoin let go of Jotaro's hand, walking towards the ocean. Jotaro chased after him. "HEY JOTARO! Look what I found." Kakyoin said while pointing to a small fish. "Isn't it cute?" Kakyoin added. Jotaro smiled. "not as cute as you." He said while pulling Kakyoin to him leave a trail of kiss  down his neck. "Jotaro!" Kakyoin said blushing. Kakyoin pulled away. "It's around 7 now, maybe we should head there?" Kakyoin said, Jotaro agreed.

  They both headed towards the coffee shop. A few minutes of peaceful silence was between them. Soon enough they were already there. The two sat down. Kakyoin suddenly grew concerned, and before Jotaro could ask 'what's wrong' the red head spoke. "How are we going to find Kira now?" Kakyoin asked. Jotaro was shocked a bit on what he asked. Eventually Jotaro came up with a answer. "Maybe checking out his house with help, he is in hiding so a guy like him won't even touch that build." Jotaro pointed out. Kakyoin nodded and smiled a little. "Today maybe..."  Jotaro added. Before they even knew it Josuke, Koichi, and Okuyasu sat at their table. Josuke of course struggling to make himself talk. "So what now?" Okuyasu asked. Jotaro filled them in with what their gonna do today. All three nodded. "Okay." Koichi said. Jotaro pulled out a map. "His should be here." Jotaro said while pointing to a certain part on the map. "We should go now then." Kakyoin spoke. Jotaro glared at him. "Only on one condition." Kakyoin lend in. "What is it?" Kakyoin asked. "I get to carry you there." Jotaro smiled slightly but only for Kakyoin to see. "WHAT! I'm not a child y'know!" Kakyoin blurted. "Then your not going." Jotaro said while staying up. "Fine..." Kakyoin huffed. Jotaro picked up Kakyoin like a baby. "Alright, let's head over there." Jotaro spoke. The trio nodded and followed them. Mintues passed, the three teens where talking as Kakyoin was asleep in Jotaro's arms.

"Jotaro-san." Josuke spoke. Jotaro stopped and turned around. Josuke gulped before speaking. "What's your relationship with Kakyoin-san?" Jotaro looked at the sleeping Noriaki. Jotaro smiled a bit. "Better than my ex-wife, and always with be." Josuke froze. "WAIT! You had a wife?!" Josuke yelled. "There's many things you dont know." Jotaro turned around and continued to walk. "Like what?" Josuke asked. "Like how I have a daughter." Jotaro looked down, disappointed in himself. "YOU HAVE A CHILD?" Josuke blurted, waking Kakyoin. Josuke quickly covered his mouth. Jotaro stared at Kakyoin and back in front of him. "Anyways we should start to pick up the pace." Jotaro added. Josuke looked at him. He wanted to ask so many questions. Luckily Okuyasu did it for him. "What's her name?" "Jolyne." Jotaro replied. He began to smile on the thought of being with his daughter. Kakyoin looked at Jotaro. "Wait, when did you have a kid?" Kakyoin questioned. "Good grief. Let's just focus on the case." Jotaro tried to avoid the question. He looked down. "I'm a lame excuse for a father anyways." Jotaro muttered.


1283 words

Sorry for being late? I felt asleep ;-;
Reading.... other... hmmm fanfics

Anyways I have to say thank you^^


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