16- ' 'What If' '

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  Joestar got up and walked over to his grandson. "What if you die in the other reality?" Joseph spoke, gaining Holly's attention. "Then I died trying." Jotaro replied. Holly looked a bit scared, she didn't want to see her soon disappear because he failed trying. "Jotaro don't do it- please!" Holly begged. "NO! I'm going to at least try! It hurts not having him here!" Jotaro yelled. "at least- I can be with him no matter the result." Jotaro spoke, calming down temper. "I... need... him..." Jotaro started to feel weak. He couldn't even stand so he sat down.



    "I just want to fall asleep forever, maybe i'll be with him once I tell him to leave the case." Jotaro smiled at the thoughts of being with him. "Jotar-" Holly was about to speak until the phone start to ring. "I'll get it..." Holly spoke with a smile. she walked over to the phone. everyone was silent. She picked up the phone and put it to her here.

"Hello? Mrs. Kujo speaking" Holly was fiddling with her edge of her shirt.

>"Mrs? Wait are you his wife?" Someone said on the phone. "no they divorced, didn't they." Was heard but muffled.

"I'm Jotaro's mother if your wondering." she smiled as she shook her head.

>"Speaking of Jotaro-san, do you know where he is? I just found this number laying on a paper in his old hotel room." They said.

"Actually, he's right here!" Holly spoke gently, waving Jotaro to come over. Jotaro took a deep breathe and walked towards his mother. He rolled his eyes and accepted the phone from his mother's hands. "Hello? Who is this?" Jotaro asked.

>"it's Josuke! Anyways how are you? I know something happened and it took a toll on you." Josuke asked, trying not to say that thing in case he forgot or something. 

"I'm fine Josuke, never been better.." Jotaro said in a monotone voice.

>"If you say it like that it sound like your lying. You sound like shit, are you sure your okay? what if I ask... hm H-eidi? Josuke said, questioning if he got the name right.

"Holly- and she'll say the same." Jotaro answered. "say what?" Holly asked. "Nothing." Jotaro quickly said.

>"Jotaro-san can I speak to Halley please?" Josuke asked. "Dumbass, it's Holly." Someone said in the same room as Josuke. It sounded like Rohan according to Jotaro. "I mean Holly." Josuke fixed his sentence.

"Sure..." Jotaro said as he handed her the phone. "Holly speaking..." She said sweetly.

>"I'm just making sure if Jotaro's okay and if he's lying about him being 'fine'i'm just worried that's all." Josuke spoke.

"oh... well he-" Holly stuttered as Jotaro walked over to the table to sit down. "He's not handling his death well... he's trying to 'fix' it actually." Holly whispered.

>"Fix?" a different voice said. "How can he bring back someone that was blown out of existence?" the same person said. "ROHAN! Jeez you don't have to be that loud." Josuke said.

"I'm not sure if I heard him right, but he believes he gained another stand ability... I guess he dreams of a another world or reality when he sleeps... where Kakyoin exist, or didn't die yet or something along that line. he's trying to prevent it from happening at all costs, even his own life. I-I'm just afraid he's going- going to hurt myself- Y-you know-" Holly said, her voice was shaky. She didn't want him to risk his life.

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