21 ' 'Fine- I Panicked' '

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  After that his eyelids fell, he pretty much fainted by the street and pressure. The last thing he heard was his name being repeated. He slightly felt was trying to shake him awake, but right there is when he met nothing but darkness. Where was Kakyoin? He asked himself.

"J-Jotaro..." someone spoke in the darkness. He turned around and cried-



Once he turned around, he saw Kakyoin... but this one was stuck in a water-tower with a gaping hole in his stomach. It was pouring blood like a running fossett.

He went to go run towards Kakyoin but he fell somehow. Once he hit ground or more darkness he saw Dio. He raised his fist before it was stopped by someone else. He turned around to see who dared interfere. Once he saw the face of the person he froze, He even relaxed a bit. Kakyoin's smile was all he need. Once he was about to smile back The World's fist punchier the boy. He accidentally spat blood on Jotaro's face. And with that, Jotaro started to worry, but once he swiped the blood away he saw something other than just darkness.

His eyes widen at the sight. It was the finally battle with Dio. To be specific, it was when he blinded him with his own blood. He decided to throw a fist or few but once that happened Dio disappeared like vapor. Jotaro looked around but before he can turn to see behind him, he felt frozen. Dio started to talk into his ear.

"Relax Jotaro, this is only a dream. A very horrible dream that isn't just painful physically, but emotionally." Dio whispered. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!" Jotaro yelled as he closed his eyes and collapsed, now balled up. He was holding his knees close to his chest as he buried his head between.

Once everything went silence he lifted his head up, Jotaro was welcomed by the same darkness. This darkness was kind of calming. He sighed as he fully stood up. He wiped his tears but once he was doing that, he fell back into something, a chair. He was now in some tiny room. "Are you done mourning over that redhead of yours?" Dio smirked, he was sitting on the edge of the table. Jotaro tried to jump out of his seat to beat Dio but was stopped by some thing.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to offend you..." Dio sarcastically apologized in a way. Jotaro looked down and sighed in defeat. "What do you want?" Jotaro asked. "I want answers, not like what's life, more like your opinion on things." Dio answered. "Why?" Jotaro questioned. Dio laughed. "I'll take that as a yes then, anyways... Why don't you like telling the people you love that you can about them?" Dio leaned in with curiosity. Jotaro looked to the side. What was the real reason? He asked himself. "I- it's because I don't want them to get caught in my mess... or let their guard down when around me then end up getting killed." Jotaro spoke. Dio tilted his head up in acceptance. It was a valid answer by the looks of it. "Alright, next question. Why don't you show your emotions a little more?" Dio smirked. Jotaro clicked his tongue. "Why does it matter?" Jotaro growled.

Dio got up off the table. "Answer the question correctly... or" Dio paused as something, no someone, came from vapor. "Or you can see my little show before anyone else." Dio spoke as he hovered his fangs over the side of his neck. "LEAVE KAKYOIN ALONE!" Jotaro blurted, his eyes widen open to. "FINE-" Jotaro continued. Dio smiled and let go of Kakyoin, allowing the redhead to fall to the floor. "I don't because it's useless! Getting ahead of myself lead to nothing good..." Jotaro continued. Dio walked over to Jotaro.

"Do you know how you got here? Or where you are?" Dio asked as he rubbed Jotaro's shoulders. Jotaro shook his head as he tensed up. "What was that last thing you remembered before you fell into darkness?" Dio asked him with a smile. "I-" Jotaro stopped and thought about it. What happened? Jotaro he refreshed his thoughts. He remembers Morioh, then seeing Kakyoin again, then... he died... After that, he gained another stand ability... "I fainted... it was raining. The last thing I can recall is someone calling my name." Jotaro replied. Dio stopped and tilted Jotaro's chair back. "You can wake up now..." Dio smiled. Jotaro closed his eyes.

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