20- ' 'Panicking? Who?

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  Jotaro then woke to banging on the door. He looked around to see that he was sitting on the floor near the front door. "JOTARO! ARE YOU IN THERE? Damnit he's worse now, isn't he?" Some spoke on the other side, Whispering the last part.



Jotaro then opened the door to see Joseph and Josuke. "What do y-" Jotaro was about to speak before Josuke jumped at him, now hugged him. Jotaro then pushed him away and looked at Joseph with a confused look. Joesph sighed. "Josuke said you cut yourself, so I thought you were back to- you know." Joseph spoke as he looked down at his grandson's hand. "I see that he wasn't kidding." Joseph continued. Jotaro then looked down to see that his hand was indeed bloody.

He then slid his sleeve up and saw that it was somehow worst. "I- how." Jotaro muttered, then quicky hid his arm away from the others. "Jotaro-san! Stop... we know that your sad about Kakyoin-san's accident, and now I think that your imagining that he's still here...bu- BUT YOU NEED TO KNOW THAT HE'S IN A BETTER PLACE NOW!" Josuke blurted as he was in tears, he was scared of what might happen to Jotaro or what he might do next. "What? Imagining? I said I gained a stand ability that was- oooh." Jotaro then chuckled. "Just watch, I'll bring him back... now to think of it, that might make you think I probably completely lost it?" Jotaro added.

"Jotaro-san... Give me your arm." The boy spoke as Jotaro rolled his eyes as he lifted his arm to bring it closer to Josuke. The boy brought out his stand and tried to heal it. "It- it isn't working..." Josuke eyes widened as he turned to his father. "What do you mean it isn't working?" Jotaro questioned. "It's not healing or closing up." Josuke replied. "IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY STAND?" Josuke panicked as he looked at Crazy Diamond.

Jotaro quickly went into his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife. He then opened a the blade and made a small cut on his finger. "Try in now." Jotaro demanded. Josuke nodded and tried to heal it to. It didn't work either. Joseph sighed and pulled out his own pocket knife. He did the same, he opened it up and made the same cut on his own finger. Josuke turned and use Crazy Diamond, this time it actually heal something. He then turned to Jotaro and tried it again, but still no luck.

Josuke looked up at the taller man with a confused look. "I can't heal you, but- I was able to heal you perfectly fine back then. Like when we went hunting for that rat or rats..." Josuke added. Jotaro chuckled a little. "Once I go to sleep I'll try to figure it out." Jotaro spoke softly as he walked towards the desk. "What do you mean 'once you fall asleep'?" Josuke asked. Jotaro looked glanced over at Josuke and back at the sticky note he was writing on. "Like again, I gained a stand ability..." Jotaro replied as he finished what he was writing.

"I'll get the other you to heal me up." Jotaro continued. "Other me?" Josuke repeated. "Stop questioning everything and just go with it." Jotaro growled, finally getting annoyed. Josuke obeyed and pushed Joesph out the door. He closed it behind them after he waved goodbye to Jotaro. Once the door finally shut, he made himself Coffee since he wasn't able to finish his last cup.

  He took a sip of his lovely drink. As he done this, his mind began to wander. Just simple thoughts until he realizes it's 2 days before Kakyoin's death. At that thought he finishes his coffee. "Shit." Jotaro cursed as he set down his cup and ran out the door.

. . .

  Jotaro ran towards Rohan's house. He then quickly knocked on the door "Damnit Josuke I told y- oh Jotaro..." Rohan said as he opened the door. "Is something wrong?" Rohan asked. "I was- wondering I-If you can- how do I say this? Hmm, if you can somehow write it on someone where you can't get killed or murdered?" Jotaro spoke, finally catching his breath. "Life is life, it will go on... people will die anyways... but I can write in that someone is unable to attack that person." Rohan added. Jotaro looked down at his watch. It said '3:17 PM' Jotaro then nodded and headed off. "Alright, thank you." Jotaro ran off to somewhere else.

"He confuses me, who the hell just yells at you and hours later asks you a question about what your stand can do?" Rohan blurted as he walked back inside. He then stopped and opened the door to look outside to see him running in a direction.

Jotaro continued running, he didn't care if he was practically out of breath. It then started to rain. Tears start to form, each one merging with the rain droplets on his face. He needed Kakyoin... Jotaro stopped right there. He was soaked. He didn't know where he was going anymore. What was even happening? (A/N: may I add that I was confused to on my own writing... so don't worry if your lost to XD)

  He started to worry about the future. The future of him and Kakyoin. Will there even be a future? Jotaro got down to his knees, soaking his pants. Theses kind of thoughts wandered into more thoughts. He was pretty much out of it. Even swaying side to side.

  "JOTARO-" A faint voice was heard. He couldn't recognize it or tell where it was coming from. Eventually someone held him to make sure he doesn't fall. He thought it was just a dream. He opened his eyes a little more to see who it was. It was someone with green hair, Rohan?

  After that his eyelids fell, he pretty much fainted by all the stress and pressure. The last thing he heard was his name being repeated. He was trying to be shaken awake, but right there is then he met nothing but darkness. Where was Kakyoin? He asked himself.

  "J-Jotaro..." someone spoke in the darkness. He turned around and cried-

. . .

1000 and something WORDS, and this is where I'll leave you off ;)

Hmmmmm who is it? What is it? WHY TF DID HE CRY? No I'm joking- I need to stop XD

Anyways find out Thursday and next chapter will answer these questions, or just go to it now depending...

See ya...

"My Love,  My World,  My Emerald" > Jotakak <Where stories live. Discover now