Chapter 5: The Evil Around

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It had been two weeks, and Tifu and Oren still were nowhere to be found. With every passing hour, every passing day, every week, you grew more miserable and more hopeless. Kiara and Kovu were staying in the Pride Lands, just to get a small break, and Simba and Nala were watching over their kingdom for them. Kion was still distant and silent.

You were trying to sleep as you heard voices in the distance. "Mom, dad, you're back!"

"Yes, Kiara, we're home. Where are our grandchildren?" You heard Nala ask.

"They... Disappeared a couple weeks ago." Kovu said. There was a brief silence, and suddenly a roar of despair and rage. Simba's.

"WHERE ARE THEY?!" He roared. You got up groggily and walked over.

"We... We don't know. All of us have been searching endlessly for them-"

"But we haven't found traces of them at all." You were interrupted by Kion. He looked... Horrible. His mane was messed up, his eyes looked dark and gloomy, like they didn't have any life in them left. You nodded, but decided to keep quiet about yours and Kion's rift. He looked at you for a quick second, then looked away.

"Kion, what has been going on with you and (Y/N)? I'm sure both of you are worried sick about your children!" Nala exclaimed. You gave a slight flinch, and Kion gave an annoyed flick of his tail.

"We both are extremely worried, and we are doing the best we can to find them!" Kion exclaimed, a bit too angrily. Simba and Nala noticed this.

"Son, what's wrong with you? Did something else happen?" Simba asked. Kion shook his head.

"No, I'm just... Tired." He said. You scoffed, but disguised it by hiding a cough. You went back to lay down. However, you got back up by Rafiki running in.

"Kion, (Y/N), come with me quickly!" He exclaimed. You got up as fast as you could, mindful of the child, and ran towards Rafiki.

"What is it?" Kion asked, following Rafiki to the tree. The thing about Rafiki was, he would never tell you anything until you arrived at the tree. Finally, the three of you arrived. Kion finally noticed your growing belly. "(Y/N), have you... Been gaining weight?" He asked. You hissed, and he went silent.

"I believe the spirits have told me where your children are!" Rafiki said. This brought yours and Kion's undivided attention to Rafiki.

"Where are they?" You asked. Rafiki shook his head.

"I don't want to tell you this... But they are in the Outlands." Both you and Kion gasped. Tifu and Oren? In the Outlands? Alone? Why?

"Why are they there?" Kion asked.

"That, I do not know. But they are in much danger, you must go!" Rafiki urged. You contemplated on whether or not you should go because of the child. Finally, you came to a decision.

"They're my children. I'm going to get them." You said. Rafiki nodded. Kion stepped closer to you.

"I'm going with you." He said. This was the first time he spoke directly to you without arguing since Tifu and Oren disappeared. You smiled softly. For a brief moment, you thought you could see a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Kion... There's something I need to tell you first." You said. Kion listened intently. This definitely wasn't the best time to tell him you were having another child. But you had to do it. "I'm pregnant."

Kion looked stunned. He wasn't happy, nor angry, just.... Surprised. Then he spoke. And it was something you didn't want to hear.

"You're not going." You didn't believe this. Tifu and Oren were your children just as much as they were his, and he was telling you what to do? This wouldn't fly with you.

"I am going to find my children!" You stated. Kion shook his head.

"For the sake of my wife's and unborn cub's safety, you're not going! It's dangerous out there! Do you remember what happened when we were young?" He asked. There was pure worry and sadness in his eyes. It broke your heart. Fighting wasn't going to resolve this, so you did the right thing.

"Okay. I'll stay." You said, as the memories came back to you. They were still haunting. Janja's sickening yellow eyes, you never saw yellow the same again... Well, not since Kion came into your life. You could stare at his brilliantly golden pelt for ages, his Lion Guard symbol present on his shoulder.

Rafiki nudged Kion towards you.

"Say goodbye to her, and go find your children. They are in danger, as are all of us! Hurry!" He exclaimed. Kion sighed. You looked at him expectantly. Then, he rubbed his head against yours and let out a purr.

"Stay here, and stay safe... I'll bring our kids home. I promise," he whispered, "I promise I'll always look out for you."

A few tears left your eyes.

"I love you, Kion..." You said. Kion licked your cheek.

"I love you too, (Y/N). Nothing will ever change that." He responded. Quickly, he turned around and hopped off the tree, and started running towards the Outlands. You could see in the distance, green looking clouds in the distance. Your eyes changed color, giving off an evil green glow. Growling, you knew exactly what was going to happen, as if on instinct. A storm.

With Tifu and Oren

"Oren, I'm scared!" Tifu cried. Oren cuddled close to her protectively.

"We'll get out of here soon, Fufu..." He said. A hair-raising cackle filled the silence.

"Well, well, what have we here? Two adorable, lost cubs?" Came a voice. Tifu hid her face in Oren's side. Oren looked at their captor in pure terror.

Janja was standing before them, one ear missing, covered in scars and matted fur. There was a scar across his right eye, and it was shut. To top it off, he had the look of a pure maniac on his face. And it was terrifying.

"You should know better than to run away from your home. You lions don't seem to ever learn." As he said that, he stepped out of the way to see another beautiful older lioness, laying weakly in another bone cage. Oren's eyes widened.


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