Chapter 6: What Rises Must Fall

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"Grandmother!" Oren yelled. He stepped towards her, but Janja snapped his jaws. Oren took a couple steps back.

"Don't go near her! It's only her fault she's in this position! She should never have left! All because she wanted to see her precious child!" He growled. Tifu got in front of Oren.

"She left because she wanted to see our momma! Why can't you let us go? We'll... We'll fight you if we need!" She cried. Janja only laughed.

"I see so much of her in you... How she would always put up a fight. How she would always retaliate without fear. It's a shame that she got what she wanted but I didn't get what I want!"

"You're sick..!" Came a weak cough. It was (M/N). "You were the one who took my daughter! You were the one who took her from the fire! It was you!"

Janja snarled at her. "Might I remind you that you were the one who left her? I came to her aid! I rescued her! I am her hero!"

"You are a sick twisted bastard is what you are!" (M/N) cried. Tifu and Oren whimpered. They both didn't know much about your past, and this wasn't the way they wanted to know. They were scared. It was almost nightfall.

"Oren, I'm getting sleepy..." Tifu yawned. Oren pulled her close. Janja rounded on them.

"You two... Come with me." He said in a soft voice. Tifu looked at him. He smiled.

"Don't. Don't trust him, don't go with him!" (M/N) cried. Janja snarled at her and walked away without another word. "Come here, children."

Tifu and Oren walked over to their grandmother and cuddled close to her.

"You're our grandmother?" Tifu asked. (M/N) nodded.

"Yes. You have your mother's eyes... And you.." She motioned to Oren, "you look so much like her." Tifu and Oren both smiled.

"She's the queen of the Pridelands! Our dad is the king! His name is Kion." Tifu said. Oren nodded.

"Yeah, and they're both a part of the Lion Guard!" He added. (M/N) sighed.

"She made it... She made it to the Pridelands..." She whispered. Tifu and Oren yawned. "Sleep now, children..."

This is a song that my grammy used to sing to me whenever she put me to sleep.

Sleep until the morning wakes,

Your dreams will take over your mind.

The dawn will rise, the night will fall,

You'll wake, the Golden sun you'll find.

Let your dreams take over, some of which you won't recall,

But hush and sleep, for all that rises must fall.

You sang that song to yourself every night after everyone else went to bed. You were alone, and the green clouds were rolling in fast.

Growling, you stood up and you knew what you had to do. Suddenly, a stabbing pain hit you in your abdomen. You fell to the ground in pain. It was time.

The child was coming.

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