♡ prologue

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"Good job everyone, you all read well!" I cheerfully complimented the seven kids sitting in front of me.

They smiled and clapped too. The joy of these children is enough for me. Nothing is more precious than a child's smile.

"Now, who would like to share what they learned from the story?" I asked them.

A girl raised her hand so I picked her. "Yes, Dayeon?"

She smiled at me before answering. "I learned that I should always be kind so good will come to me!"

I clapped my hands and so the other children clapped their hands too. "You have a great point, Dayeon. For that, you have a stamp."

She stood up and ran towards me while giggling. I stamped a star with a 'very good' sign on the back of her hand and smiled at her. She stared at it while walking back to her seat.

Oh, these kids are so adorable. I've always wanted to teach kids in nursery and kinder.

"What else did you guys learned?" I asked once more to get the other kids to speak and share their thoughts.

An unfamiliar voice started speaking. "Why don't you make these kids watch news?"

My eyes shifted to the owner of the voice. And there in the back of the classroom is a guy sitting on the table with his arms crossed.

His expression looks serious yet at the same time, teasing. This stranger really has the guts to show up at my class and mutter nonsense.

"Excuse me, sir, you shouldn't sit on the kids' tables." I told him firmly.

He stood up and leaned on the wall instead, still crossing his arms. "You know very well that Snow White is a fictional character and fictions are only made up. Those stories are only fantasies and they are far from real. Right, teacher?"

I sighed through my nose heavily, growing irritated. "Excuse me, sir, what are you trying to tell me?"

He chuckled mockingly before speaking. "Oh, no, I'm just saying that maybe if you make the kids watch something real they will grow up to be mature and smart adults."

"If you make them watch news and ask them 'what did you learn today?' Maybe they'll say, 'I learned that I should look on both sides of the streets before crossing.' Don't you think that lesson would be more useful, teacher?" He asked me rhetorically, and now with a small smirk on his face.

I huffed in irritation.

I called the kids' attention. "Why don't you guys go to the playground for a few minutes? It's your prize for reading well."

They screamed their 'hurrays' and went outside of the room.

Once they were all outside I started arranging my desk. The stranger walked closer to me and started speaking his nonsense again.

"I hope you're not mad." He said, but in a mocking tone.

"What do you want?" I asked him straightforwardly, eyebrows crashed and arms crossed.

He mouthed and 'o' and laughed. "You're like a different person now, teacher."

I rolled my eyes and repeated my question. "What do you want?"

"Oh, I want nothing." He laughed. "I just got irritated with you taking fairytales as lessons to young kids."

Wow, he's irritated?

"And why do you care, huh?" I spatted. "Are you a teacher? A parent? You're just a stranger and you shouldn't be butting in when someone is in a class."

"Oh, I'm sorry," he apologized, yet again, in a mocking manner.

"I need you to get out of my classroom." I said, arms still crossed.

"Fine~ I will," he smirked. "Miss Cho."

And with that, the annoying guy left and after a few minutes I called the kids back to the classroom.

I never knew that I would see that jerk again.

♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡

A/N: hello teumes~! let's make one fanfic for my bias wrecker~ I know my fanfic with yedam wasnt that good soooo I'm making this one better. I hope y'all will enjoy this ♡

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