[NSFW] Nindroids can drink? //all x reader//

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Oh boy let's go! My first story I've written in over a year, as far as I'm aware. I did enjoy writing this, although writing on a phone is living hell.

You look down and sigh as your phone buzzes with a text.

Kai -"Seriously dude, you neeeeeeeed to be here! We're getting Zane drunk! Z. A. N. E."

You suppress a small giggle at the thought of the serious, calculated nindroid drunk.

"Fine. I'll be there in 20."

You could already tell this was going to be an... interesting night, at least. What exactly was Kai trying to convince you to go to? A house party... that they were holding in a monastery... With sensei Wu out of town for the foreseeable future, the ninja were holding parties basically every other night. You chuck a coat over what you're currently wearing, deciding it's good enough. You're not there to hook up or anything, so theres not much point changing into something skimpy.

Catching a bus to the monastery is probably the best idea, you can just stay the night there. No need to worry about future drunk self trying to drive home. The trip to the bus stop is short, and with how busy Ninjago city is, buses are constantly coming in and out of the stop. You spot the bus you need to catch, and you're at the monastery in no time.

"Y/N!" you hear someone shout as you're just reaching the top of the stairs. "You're here! Finally! We've managed to get Zane wasted, this shit is hilarious man! You've got to get up here."

Glancing up, you spot Kai waving you over. Heading towards him, you grin. "Lead the way, hotshot. I wanna see how you managed to get metalman drunk."

He leads you inside, past all the half drunk teenagers that seem to be everywhere. Kai heads up the stairs, with you in tow, and heads into one of the bedrooms. Upon entering the bedroom you're greeted with a sight you never would have expected to see. The ninja are gathered round a shaky looking Zane, who seems to be rambling about nothing in particular.

He looks up with a blank stare as you two enter. It seems to take a second for him to register who you are, but eventually he does. "Heeeyyyy y/nnn," Zane slurs, struggling to stand up and walk towards you two. "Whaaat brings yooooou hereeee on this fiiiiiiine afternoooooon?" He stumbles towards you, before Jay gets up and gently leads him over to the bed and sits him down.

"Hi Zane," you greet gently, before turning to the other ninja and greeting them too. You get a chorus of hellos back. "What are you guys up to, now that Zane is clearly trashed?"

Cole grins at your question. "We're playing truth or dare." When he sees you raise an eyebrow in question, he explains. "We're trying to get information out of Zane that he'd never admit sober, but he thinks we're playing truth or dare and refuses to say anything unless we all participate."

You nod in understanding, and decide to join the circle, which Zane and Jay rejoined while you were talking. You sit between Lloyd and Nya, while Kai settles down on the other side of his sister. "Okay," you clear your throat, "who's turn is it?"

Everyone turns expectantly to Cole. "Nya, truth or dare?" He asks.

"Truth." She responds, holding Coles eye contact, refusing to be intimidated.

"Okay. Is it true that you peg Jay?" Cole asks, without hesitation.

Your eyes widen at the query, before you burst out laughing. You hear gagging noises coming from your left, and see Kai pulling faces like he wants to throw up. Next to him, Jay is the colour of Kai's gi. "Absolutely!" Nya answers confidently, unable to stop herself from laughing. This answer causes the rest of the ninja to start laughing. Once the laughing dies down, Nya turns to Zane.

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