The Force And The Fun

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Lothal, Outside The Ghost, 0700 a.m.

"Ezra, come on!" Kanan shouted from outside the Ghost.

"Coming!" Ezra shouted back. He trotted down the ramp carrying a odd looking blaster.

"What's that?" Kanan asked raising an eyebrow.

"It's a Splat Blaster, Sabine made it for me." Ezra said grinning.

"Uh-huh. And what exactly does a Splat Blaster do?" Kanan asked wondering why Sabine had to keep giving him lethal objects.

"It shoots hard globs of paint that burst on contact." Ezra said strapping it to his back. "Good for target practice since someone won't let me use a real blaster."

"Well this someone likes his blaster and padawan in one piece." Kanan said walking through the grass, Ezra quickly followed.

"Okay, practice makes perfect. You have to connect with uuh whatever animal you find out here." Kanan said guestering to the wide open plains. Ezra's face fell.


"Again." Kanan repeated. "I'm going to get some caf, you better have connected with at least one animal when I get back." He walked back to the Ghost. Ezra heaved a sigh and crossed his arms. The force was great and all but it was time for some fun. A sly smile slid across his face as he formulated a plan.

"Ezra?" Kanan frowned, he didn't see his padawan anywhere. 'That's never good.' He thought sipping on his caf. Wading through the grass he called out. "Ezra! Ezra you better not be hiding again!"

"ATTACK!!!" Ezra shouted standing up behind Kanan. Several Loth-Cats leaped out of the grass pouncing on Kanan.

"What the-!" Kanan stumbled around.

Ezra giggled, grinning from ear to  ear. "You said to connect with whatever I found out here."

"Ezra this isn't funny!" Kanan yelped shaking a Loth-Cat off of him. Ezra quit smiling and sighed.

"Yeah, your right. Release!" He said. The Loth-Cats jumped off of Kanan and gathered around Ezra. Kanan dusted himself off, grumbling about padawans.

"Psych!" Ezra shouted suddenly. Kanan jerked his head up in time to see Ezra pull the trigger on his Splat Blaster.

"Ezra, don't!" He shouted too late. Globs of paint hit him, spraying color everywhere. Ezra laughed like a maniac as he pummled his master with paintballs.

"ATTACK! Attack my minions! AHAHAHAHA!" Ezra shouted like a crazed person. Instantly the Loth-Cats jumped on Kanan pulling him to the ground.

"Stop it Ezra!" Kanan protested from underneath the Loth-Cats.

"Tell you what," Ezra commanded the Loth-Cats to stop their onslaught. "If you can run back to the Ghost in fifteen seconds I'll do whatever you want me to do for a week." Kanan glared up at Ezra then at the Ghost.

"Padawan's Honor." Ezra said, grinning.

Kanan scrambled to his feet and ran as fast as he could to the Ghost. Ezra snorted.

"As if there's such a thing." He smiled gleefully. Aiming carefully he let off a couple shots hitting Kanan squarely in the butt.

"OUCH!" Kanan yelped, grabbing his butt. Ezra giggled so hard he nearly fell over. he fired some more giggling as Kanan hopped around.

"YOUR GOING TO BE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE WHEN YOU RUN OUT OF AMMO, EZRA BRIDGER!" Kanan shouted angrily looking down at his paint splattered clothes. Ezra shrugged, giggling some more. "Yeah but untill then. . ."

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