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Lothal, Some Where Far Out In The Wilderness, 0600 a.m.

"Hey, look Pinkie! Flowers!" Ezra said leaping into a giant patch of brightly colored flowers.

"You know what we should do, Pinkie?" Ezra rolled on to his stomach and looked at his pink colored Loth-cat.



A few minutes later Ezra had gathered a bunch of flowers and walked back to the Ghost. He dumped them in a pile, then he and Pinkie walked back to the patch to get more. After an hour they had gathered enough to make a mini pile. In other words they had obliterated the flower patch. Ezra happily stuck some of the flowers in his hair and in Pinkie's fur. Then the two skipped through the ship, tossing flowers left and right. Ezra started to sing.

Ee-e-e-oh mum-oh-weh

Whimoweh, whimoweh, whimoweh

In the Ghost, the mighty Ghost

The master sleeps in!

In the Ghost, the mighty Ghost

The master sleeps in!

Whimoweh, whimoweh, whimoweh!

Whimoweh, whimoweh, whimoweh!

"EZRA! SHUT UP!" Kanan shouted from his room. It was the one day that Kanan had decided to sleep in and now Ezra was ruining it by singing.

Near the Ghost, the sleepy Ghost

The padawan picks flowers!

Near the Ghost, the sleepy Ghost

The padawan picks flowers!


Ezra purpously screeched the last part as loudly as possible. Kanan opened his door and went to shout at him, but Ezra tossed a bunch of flowers in his face.

"FLOOOOOOOOWERS! AHAHAHAHAHA!" Ezra ran down the corridor, leaving a trail of bright colored flowers behind him. Kanan spit flowers out of his mouth and moodily shut his door. Ezra ran through the Ghost giggling and shouting.


He slid down the ladder into the cargo hold and started hopping up and down on a bunch of flowers.

"FLOWERS! FLOWERS! FLOWERS! FLOWERS!" Ezra shouted. Then he and Pinkie fell down and rolled around in the flowers, giggling.

"AHAHAHAHA! I LOVE FLOWERS! WEEEEEEE!" Ezra screamed as he wildly rolled around in the cargo hold. Above Sabine and Zeb stood in shock as they watched Ezra and Pinkie go crazy.

"I'll grab him, you get the tranquilizer gun." Zeb said to Sabine.

"Riiiight." Sabine backed up slowly.

"FLOOOOOOOOOOOWERS!" Ezra shouted below.

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