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Lothal, Outside The Ghost, 1900 p.m. A Week Before JOY

"Hey, Sabine look what I found!" Ezra said, pushing a crate in front of him. Sabine walked down the ramp to see what was in the crate.

"Whatcha steal this time?" She asked putting her hands on her hips.

"No body was using it so it's not stealing really. It's mine now." Ezra said smiling as he opened the crate. Ezra looked inside the crate and pulled out a small container.

"What is it?" Sabine asked curiously. Ezra shrugged and opened the container. Inside were vials of bright colored sparkles.

"What is this stuff?" Ezra wondered out loud, pouring the stuff into his hand.

"It's Sparkle!" Sabine said happily grabbing a container. "Also known as glitter."

"What's Sparkle?" Ezra asked Sabine.

"It's just stuff that you put on pictures or in those funny little globes." She said walking away with two containers of Sparkle.

"Cool." Ezra said tossing the glitter up in the air. After playing around with the Sparkle Ezra found out that it would stick to anything. He dug out some blue Sparkle and dumped it in his hair.

"Hehehehe. My hair's all sparkly." He said grinning widely. Kanan walked down the ramp at this moment.

"Hey, Ez- ?" Kanan stopped mid sentence. His jaw went slack as he stared at Ezra's sparkling hair.

"Wh- What happened? Or do I even wanna know?" Kanan asked recovering from his shock. Ezra spread his hands.

"It's just glitter. It made my hair all shiny." He said happily.

"Uh-huh." Kanan said slowly. "Well, then I'll just be going in here now." He quickly walked back up the ramp.

Later That Day. . .

Ezra was now fully covered in blue and orange Sparkle. Sighing happily he pushed his crate on to the Ghost, leaving Sparkle prints behind him. Ezra put a couple containers of Sparkle in his room, then went back to the cargo hold. There were still several containers left in the crate. Ezra stood next to the crate, wondering what to do with the left over Sparkle. He smiled deviously as an idea popped into his head. Taking several vials of Sparkle he climbed into the ventilation system. Crawling through the shafts he poured glitter behind him. Ezra quietly crawled out of the vent  and into the cockpit. Locking the doors he went over to the control panel, snickering. He turned on the air and set it to full blast.

"AAAAAH! MY ROOM!" Kanan shouted, outside the locked doors. Sparkle shot out of all the vents, sticking to walls and everything else.

"YAY! MY ROOM!" Sabine yelled happily. Hera unlocked the doors and burst into the cockpit, completely covered in glitter.

"EZRA BRIDGER!" She shouted angrily as she stalked over to him. Ezra bolted to the ladder, slidding all the way down to the cargo hold. By the time Hera shut off the air, the entire inside of the ship had been Sparkled. Ezra giggled as he looked around the cargo hold. The walls and everything else in there was covered in purple, blue, orange and pink glitter.

"Ezra! What do you have to say for yourself!?" Hera practically shouted as she climbed down the ladder. Ezra backed up, smiling innocently. "Do you have any idea how long this is going to take to clean?!" Kanan and Zeb also climbed down the ladder looking very angry. Zeb was covered in deep purple sparkles making him look like a giant glittery kitty. Kanan was covered in bright pink glitter, Hera was covered in bright green sparkles.

"Got any last words, kid?" Zeb asked punching his hand.

"Uuum, yeah actually." Ezra said. He put a hand on his hip and took a deep breath.

"GET YOUR SPARKLE ON!" Ezra sang loudly, swishing his hips back and forth. "SHOW THIS WORLD WHERE YOU BELONG! ALL IT TAKES IS A LITTLE FAITH! BELIEVING!" He spun around, tossing his head back and forth. "GET YOUR SPARKLE ON! LISTEN TO YOUR HEART, AND FEEL IT BEATIN' STRONG! WHEN YOUR IN DOUBT, GLITTER IT OUT! EVERY TIME!" Ezra danced around singing as loudly as he could. Kanan stood there watching him with a mortified look on his face. Zeb put his face in his hands and walked away. Hera covered her mouth, trying not to laugh.

"FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE! GET YOUR SPARKLE ON! SHOW THIS WORLD WHERE YOU BELONG!" Ezra continued to sing, pumping his fist in the air and spinning around. Kanan was still frozen in place, his mouth hanging open. Hera was now full out laughing at both Ezra and Kanan. Ezra clapped his hands and slid across the floor. Swishing his hips back and forth, Ezra continued singing loudly untill the sun set. Unknown to him Sabine recorded everything.

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