Chapter 5

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Oh we're here" She said. We entered the hotel and saw Vaggie chasing Angel Dust around the hotel.

"What happened now?" Charlie said.

"This pendjo ("hot" I said.) fucking keeps flirting with residents!" Vaggie said.

"Come on your acting like they don't want it" Angel said.

"I'm pretty sure they don't" I chuckled.

"Fuck you...oh. Hey Riley~" Angel said sliding over to me.

"Hey fag" I said pushing him away.

"Hey beautiful" I said to Vaggie.

"Hmph" Vaggie said looking away with her hand on her hips.

"What?" I said.

"Hi Riley!" Nifty said.

"Why hello Nifty!" I said kneeling down rubbing her head messing up her hair a bit.

"Sup Husky" I said.

"Hey..." he said grumpy as always chugging down some cheap booze.

"Why do we have a guest- why isn't it good ol Riley!" Alastor said.

"Why isn't good ol Al." I said.

"I heard your killing more of those exterminators!" Al said.

"Well you know they were being dicks as they always are." I said.

"Haha as they always are indeed." Al said.

"What?!? You killed more exterminators!?!" Vaggie yelled.

"Yeah about a few. And about a few I mean, like a 300 of them. Oh! And under 30 minutes." I said checking out my nails smirking trying to impress her.

"You idiot! Your lucky more didn't come!" Vaggie said.

"Hey it's not nice to call someone a idiot!" I said.

"Wow 100 ex's. Nice" Angel said.

"Thanks" I said.

"Ughhh!" Vaggie said walking away.

"Riley are you staying?" Nifty asked looking up at me.

"No sorry I can't stay in hell a lot I have stuff on earth to do." I said. I then walked over Vaggie who was at the bar.

"Hey~" I said to her.

"...what?" Vaggie sighed.

"Ok, why are you so fucking annoyed by me?" I said.

"Well first your fucking immature and secondly your a fucking perv" Vaggie said.

"Oh come on how can anyone not be a perv when around you~" I said.

"See that's exactly what I mean." Vaggie said.

"Come on let me at least take you out." I said.

"No" Vaggie said.

"Why???" I said.

"Because i don't wanna go out with anyone right now" Vaggie said.

"Your just to scared to go out me" Vaggie said.

"I'm just afraid you'll act stupid" Vaggie said.

"Ha! Ok that was actually funny" I said.

"...come on let's just fuck once" I said grabbing her waist.

"Fuck off." Vaggie said pushing me away.

"Ok ok fine jeez." I said. I then quickly kissed her and she tried to hit me but I dodged.

"Fuck you!" Vaggie said. I walked away but then had a ache in my side causing me to grab it. Of course it was my TB catching up to me but I didn't pay any mind to it. Thankfully no one noticed. I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. I then made my sword appear in my hand and examined it. Alastor then sat next to me.

"So Riley my good man what have you been up to?" Al said.

"Uh...nuns" I said cleaning my swords.

"Nothing huh?" He said.

"Well nothing much except of what you heard." I said.

"Oh and I have heard a lot! I mean, a lot." He said looking at me with a smirk. I then knew what he was talking about.

"Hey Al can I talk to you for a second, alone." I said.

"Sure thing!" He said I then pulled him to another room.

"How the fuck do you know?" I said.

"I know I everything Riley." He said. "Well you better not tell anyone.

"I said.

"I wasn't planning to Riley" he said.

"...good." I said.

"You know TB is a serious case Riley, that makes you very vulnerable to others" He said.

"Yeah tell me something new, and no, I'm not vulnerable. This TB, isn't stopping me for shit. This TB is basically like, a, a fucking piece of gum stuck to my shoe. It's not stopping me, and I'm not vulnerable." I said.

"...mmm. Whatever you say Riley. Whatever you say." He said waking out. I then walked out later. That's when I realized what the real reason I came to hell for was.

"Hey Charlie!" I said.

"Yes?" She said.

"I need to talk to you!" I said.

"Oh ok!" She said. We went into the kitchen.

"What's up?" She said.

"So I wanted to apologize" I said.

"For what?" She said.

"You know" I said.

"...oh. Don't worry about it Riley." She said.

"Thanks" i said.

"Well come on we gotta go pass out more fliers for the hotel." She said.

"Fliers? I thought the hotel was already a success." I said.

"It is its just in case more people wanna come" She said.

"Well let's hope more come then huh?" I said.

"Yeah let's hope." She said. She was about to leave until I grabbed her arm and pulled her into me kissing her. We stood like that for a moment until she pulled away.

"...heh. What was that for?" She said flustered.

"Just for good luck" I said bopping her nose.

"Well, thanks." She said. Right when she was about to leave again she turned around.

"What?" I said. "...can I...get another kiss" She said.

"I guess sure" I said. She walked over to me and kissed me. She then pulled away and we stared at each other for a sec. We then made out for real this time. I set her on the counter and I kissed her. I took off her dress shirt and kissed her stomach all the way up to her neck kissing her neck making her moan. The all of the sudden Angel walked in. "Hey wh- never mind." He said as he walked out. We then looked at each other and stopped.

"Sorry" I said.

"It's fine. At least I enjoyed it while it lasted"she said winking at me and buttoning her shirt back up.

"Yeah at least" I said.

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