Chapter 3 Plans

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Smoke puffed out of Harry's and I's breath. The cold December air was peircing my skin, no matter how many thick coats my mother made me wear. As a usual tactic to keep warm, I began shivering like a dog. Harry's fingers were intertwined with mine, and I was beginning to regret not wearing gloves.

"I'm freezing."Harry stated the obvious as he clung himself to me.

"No shit, Sherlock." I stated lightly punching his elbow

" Exscuse me, I'm sorry that we can't all be like you and be toasty little pieces of queso." A grin began exposing itself onto his face. "Queso? Not your best word play, my freezing boyrfriend." I choked out through the cold air. As we continued to venture down the empty parking lot, abandoning Harry's car, I spoke against all odds. To recieve answers from Harry.

Even when I first met Harry, he was a very mysterious man, hell- it took him 2 days for him to tell me his name. Although, our relationship escalated fast after that, just not for Zayn. He and Harry always did fight, but they seemed to always be 'joke fights', were they deeper than they seemed?

"Do you know what Zayn meant, when he said it was all your fault?" I questioned.

"I beleive that he was just jealous, you and I always did have a better relationship than him." I scoffed at his comment and he scrunched his nose in annoyance. "Exscuse me? Do you think we weren't close?" He asked sternly, his eyes gazing into the mental hospital before us.

"It's just- I knew Zayn before you, Zayn and I were much closer when we first met you. Zayn and I were always close. I like to think that we still are."

"You're fucking kidding me, right?" Harry stopped walking, shoving himself infront of me.

"He doesn't, nor will he ever, feel the same way you feel about him." He spoke through gritted teeth, throwing himself onto me. "If he liked you, in anyway, then why would he have threatned you to work with him? You should just be lucky, that I was there to save you." Harry's eyes were filled with anger, his hands gripped my shoulders so I couldn't back away. His face grew close to mine, I closed my eyes not wanting him to yell this close to me, "You're so lucky that I'm in love with you." He whispered into my ear before gently grazing my lips with kisses.

He released me, allowing us to enter the raggody mental institution together.


"Did you meet them?" Zayn asked, his hands whipping through his hair.

"Yeah, Niall was nice." A grin was spreading across my face.

"Niall, was an asshole." Harry spat out. "No, Louis was an asshole, I think we met the intimidating version of him.Will he ever just act like his normal self?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes,but his normal self isn't trustworthy, he spills. He spills secrets that don't need to be shared." Zayn glared at Harry and Harry was nodding in , agreement? How many secrets are there that I don't know about?!?

I shook the idea out of my mind,they couldn't lie to me that much,could they?

"Anyways," I coughed before continuing. " You never told us the plan."

"Ah, yes. Well, Niall and Louis agreed that we all meet together to explain it to you." Zayn explained.

"So basicly your leaving us in suspense and your being a bitch?"

"Oh my God, are you always this fucked up?"

"Stop!"I screamed "Can you two just get along for once?"

Zayn sighed and finally spoke again, "At 12:30 cells 0-200 are released for lunch, then at 1:15 201-400 are released. If you can convince Dr.Smith to let you into the cafeteria, we can tell you the plan."

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