Chapter 6

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Harry gradually walked forward, away from my grey car that had been alone on the empty parking lot. He grinned happily, he was never going to let me out of the house again.

I began stepping backwards, what am I supposed to say?
I guess I wasn't getting donuts, haha.

No, I can't make a joke with him.
How about I go home, and we forget that this happened?

I wanted to shout various comments, but they all made me look idiotic.

"Wow, nothing to say? I expected at least a few cheap exscuses from you." He stated, and in a way, he was right.

"Not today, you caught me. I was giving the donuts to Zayn."

"Oh, fuck off with the donut act! I knew you weren't getting donuts!" Harry yelled, shoving me against the wall. His body was pressed against mine, the thick brick wall behind me was fighting back on to me, pushing me harder onto Harry. His face was only milimeters away from mine, normally, a kissing scene would play out, but no lust sat in Harry's green eyes, only hatred.

"If I take you home, do you promise not to scream?" Harry whispered into my ear.

"Scream? What are you talking about?"I worridly asked.

"If I take you home right now, and you don't scream, your punishment won't be as bad,than if I let you spend more time with Zayn, and you do scream." Harry murmered.

"Please explain why I'll be screaming." I pleaded.

"Just get in the fucking car." Harry demanded. I obliged, and swiftly glided across the ice covered roads into Harry's car.

"I thought you would put up more of a fight." He stated.

"There are a lot of things that I do that you wouldn't expect."

"Name them, please." Harry scarcasticly added.

"Example one, I prefer to date guys who ar-"Harry cutt me off.

"Sweaty and gross. That was only one of the many secrets that you've told me and didn't expect me to remeber." He never kept his eyes off the road as he spoke.

"Well, example two, I don't lov-"

"Me, yes I know. You've already pointed out your hatred for me plenty of times in the last few hours." He stated, finally making eye-contact with me.

"Example three, I love-"

"Zayn, I know that also. It's obvious by the way you look at him, and try to latch on to him."

"I was going to say nutella on toast, but yeah, that works too." I grinned, looking out the window, hoping I hurt him.

"Hmm, I knew that too, just wasn't expecting you to say that. But, erm." Harry began coughing on his own words.

"Well, spit it out. I imagine you didn't just threatin me for no reason." I spoke softly, pulling my knees into my chest on the chair.

"I know that you love Zayn, but can you just save a heart break, and pretend to love me?" Tears began brimming his eyes and he slowly pulled the car infront of our apartment complex.

"Pretend? What do you mean?" I asked, cuddling into my knees as tears began dripping off Harry's cheeks.

"Pretend to love me, please. Say you love me, act like you want me. I don't want to hurt you Grace, I don't want you to say something stupid again and have me hurt you. I don't want you to see my demonic side, I don't like hurting you." He was now sobbing into the steering wheel, crouching on the seat.

"I-I don't know Harr-"

"Please Grace! I hate myself for touching you like I did last night! I fucking can't live like this! Why can't you just love me?" He cried into the car.

"I do love you." I lied, following his directions.

"Thank you." He sighed out, turning to look at me. He slowly stretched, releasing the awkward vibes out of the car by opening the door.

"So, we left my car at the asylum." I blurted out.


I slowly sipped on the brown liquid that sat blankly in my mug, the heat of it slightly burned my lips but I let it. The pain of heat soothed me for some strange reason, it made me feel like I was okay, like my life was okay.

"Does that taste okay?" Harry asked, his grin growing from antipicitation.

"Yes Harry, your home-made Hot-Chocolate, tastes great. Isn't this like the fifth time that you've asked?" I joked, he always was skepticle about his cooking wether they were beverages or deserts. My legs were draped across Harry's lap as we sat on the dark brown sofa, the television infront of us was blaring profanities about alien sightings and our small goldfish danced in its tiny water bowl.
" Can I ask you a question?" Harry asked, his eyes venturing the room as he spoke. "Sure, as long as you aren't asking where my meth stash is!" I joked, recieving a small grin from Harry. " Why do you love Zayn?"
An awkward silence arose between us, part of me wanted to scream,
Because he doesn't hurt me
But that would only make this situation worse. "Well, I've known Zayn my whole life, he grew up with me and we kind of helped eachother become the people we are today. Although," a small smile twisted onto my lips. "I guess I didn't do a very good job helping Zayn if he's in a mental hospital."
Harry let out a quiet sigh and responded. "I hope you know, that I can, I could, I do, love you more than Zayn ever could. And, I know that you can love me just as much." His eyes were full of sorrow, like he was a miles away from me and desperatley reaching for me. "I know." I answered, my fingertips gently skating across Harry's palm as I played with his large hands.
"Now, can I ask you a question?" I huffed out. "Sure, as long as you're not asking where my meth stash is." Harry jokingly mimicked my behavior.
"Can I still see Zayn? In a friend-way ofcourse, I just feel like we have unfinished buisness there, like I need to save Zayn, Niall, and Louis. It's strange, for once, I feel like I have a purpose in life. Other than just, working with you at a car dealership, selling BMW's." I refused to make eye-contact with Harry, not while asking this question at least.
"You can, but only if I can always come with you, but promise me one thing."
"After all this, when we probably live in a new state for helping them escape, and when we can't see our family anymore because cops will be hunting us for being suspects, promise me that you'll never leave me. That we'll grow old together, that you'll have my kids, that you'll be the one I wake up every morning to see."
"Harry, it sounds like you're proposing to me." I nervously laughed, trying to shake off the idea. "I wish I was, baby. But, I promise that when this is all settled out, and when it's just us, and maybe those three idiots living in our basement, that I will marry you." Harry had a wide smile, his large dimpels showing through every emotion he may have felt this week.
"I promise." As I spoke the words, guilt was devouring me. I know I'm not going to marry Harry, but this just seems best, to make him happy, to make him feel happy.
"I hope you realize that my car is probably being vandalised at that asylum parking lot. I see, crazy teenagers there, all the time." Harry made the duh duh doosh noise as I spoke my cheesy pun, and I uncontrolably laughed at our dworkiness. " We'll retrieve my princess' carriage in the morning, and while we're at it, we can visit Zayn, and maybe start the plans."
Harry's fingertips traced small designs on my legs as he spoked, he happily looked up at me, and casually whispered,
"I love you."

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