Chapter 4

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"You pretend to hate me, you pretend to not love me, but I know you do, I can see it in your eyes. Your words mean nothing to me, because I know that it's just a cover-up , I know that you love me. It's in your body language, the way you act around me, the way you cuddle onto me at night when you get scared. You love me, you just don't want to admit it becuse you think that you're in love with Zayn-but you're not."Harry pulled me into him as he spoke, his grip on my waist tightening with every word. "Zayn wants to use you, he doesn't love you the way I love you. He can't love you the way I love you." Harry spoke through gritted teeth, his mouth was directly next to my ear as he whispered into it." Could Zayn ever love you like I do. When Zayn was gone, who comforted you to sleep everynight? Who took care of you when you were to depressed to eat because your boyfriend cheated on you? Who let you cry on their shoulder when you were weak?" Harry asked.
I was silent, my tears dropping to the floor were the only noise that was coming from me. "Answer me!" Harry yelled, his face never leaving my ear.
"Y-you," I stuttered out. "You helped me." Sobs began escaping my mouth as more tears fell.
"Yes, I did. It was all me, I'm the one that you came to when Zayn wasn't here. Who did you come crawling to? Me, you love me." Harry loosened his grip and turned me so that I was facing him. His eyes were a light red, they were puffy and the only natrul color was a light green centering in his eyes. His skin was white as snow and his strands of his hair were falling onto his forehead. He changed into a loose tanktop , its color matching his skintone, red bloches were driping from his arm, blood. "H-Harry?" I asked , gently resting my fingers onto his arms.
"Yes, darling?"
"I-I don't love you." As I spoke these words I regretted it, I should've just played along with the 'love' act again. Harry gripped my arms forcefully, shoving me onto the counter.
"I'll make you love me." As Harry spoke these words his grip tightned, his fingers like daggers, digging into my skin. He forcefully crashed his lips into mine. I stayed still, not moving an inch. Harry released the kiss, whispering into my ear. "Kiss me, kiss me like you love me,kiss me like you want to do so much more than just kiss with me."
I repeated my previous actions.
"God, Grace! Just fucking kiss me!" Harry yelled at me as his hands began exploring my body, making me open my mouth in shock. Harry to his option and shoved his toungue into my mouth, kissing me harder. In this position I had to move my lips with his to get his toungue out. I squirmed under his touch, attempting to escape from his attack.
"Please, p-please don't Harry." I murmered inbetween breaths
"What do you mean? Am I hurting you?" He asked, he lifted one hand and gently stroked my cheek.
"It's such a shame, really. I didn't want to have to do this to you." He whispered as he released my face and harshly slapped it.
"Ahhhhh!" I screamed from the pain emerging from my cheek.
"Oh, please. You hurt me way worse than I could ever hurt you. You broke my heart, you shattered my heart, you destroyed my heart. So now you have to help me rebuild it."
I staggered my way down Zayn's hallway. After sneaking out of the house, escaping Harry's wrath, and eating a breakfast burrito, I was finally able to focus on my pain. Wether that was a good thing or not. My legs were aching and my head was pounding. I had only a few minutes to throw my outfit together, so I can't say I look very stylish.Long black leggings gripped my legs and a baggy shirt lied on my chest, my hir wa in a long braid , whipping my back with every step. My make-up looked okay, it was worn previously yesterday and all I did this morning was wash away the bags under my eyes.
I sighed heavily asI shoved the iron key into Zayn's door. Without knocking, I pushed open the door lazily. Zayn's head shot up in confusion as I closed the door and plopped on his bed without saying a word.
"Are you okay?" Zayn whispered.
"No, I'm not okay!"I screamed as I laid my head onto his chest. He facial expression was shoked and his body stiffened at my touvh.
"W-why?" Zayn murmered.
"Because Harry , and I left him, and he was mad , and I was scared an-"
"Slow down babe, I can't nderstand you." Zayn wasn't whispering anymore, but his voice was still husky.
I heaved my breath and restarted, " First, I walked into the apartment and I found millions of photos of me from when we were young to now. And it had really scared me." I choked on my words as I spoke. "Then he had...did somethings."
"What did he do?" Zayn sternly asked. I poured out everyting that had happened , every detail making me shutter more. After watching Zayn stare with angrier eyes and clutch his hands into fists I stopped.
"I would never hurt you." Zayn, being surprisingly simpathetic, spoke.
"You threatned me with a knife." I joked in a serious tone.
"Yeah, but I was never going to hurt you, just Harry." Zayn huffed out the last words.
"And now I'm going to actually kill Harry." Zayn said sternly.
"No, you can't. Trust me, Harry is an amazing liar and he will win a case in court if you take him to one." I uttered out.
Zayn wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me into him. "You have no idea, how long I have been waiting for you to admit that Harry is a bitch."
"Well, Harry is a bitch." A grin twisted onto my pale lips as I spoke.
"Why are you really in here?" I asked, pursing my lips together.
" Lots of different reasons. They all change depending on who you ask."
"Well, I want to know the truth, what's your reason to be here?"
Zayn huffed out a warm breath and began speaking. "I didn't do anything but love you. Grace, love makes people mad, it triggers us to do crazy things. I-I , Harry and I never got along, as you now know. Harry wass madly in love with you, maybe as much as I loved you. But, we were both trying to win your heart over, and when he asked you to prom first." Zayn gritted his teeth. "And you had said yes, it lit a flame up inside me. It made me realize that I would have to do, so much more to win your heart over. Maybe even kill Harry. I just needed him out of the picture-for good. So, about two weeks after you and Harry had gone to prom, I knew that I had to get rid of him. He was always bragging to me about it, how you two had held hands, and how you got all dolled up, just for him."His grip on me tightned frightnly. "Harry and I planned a date where we would finally settle this, who gets to claim you as "theirs". It began as a conversation, deciding who you liked more. But, then he began talking about how you kissed him, how you kisse him with a passion, how you enjoyed it, I just couldn't handle it anymore. That night, I beat the living crap out opf Harry, and it turned out that he had dialed 911 before the conversation and he had planned that I would beat him furiously. When the cops arrived Harry was nearly dead, I was pulled away from his beaten corpse and when they questioned Harry. He told them that I was insane. That I beat him because I was unhappy with my family and I was crazy. Ofcourse, they believed every word of it. It was when they shoved me into a cop car that I had figured out that Harry had planned all of it, he knew I would blow and that he would get closer to you. I remeber, his wicked smile as the car I was in pulled away. Then I saw your car , pulling into the 'crime scene' and hugging Harry. Pulling him into you as you cried. Now, I'm here."
"You, you are a monster." My words flowed out of me like a waterfall.
"What? I did it all for you ,Grace!"
"You tried to kill him! You threatned to kill me only a few days ago! You may have gotten here the wrong way, but you deserve to be here. But Harry does more." I whispered my last few words as I stood up.
" I'm going to check on Niall." I shoved the door open and slammed it behind me as I began chugging my way to the elavator.
He's just a phony, a liar. That's all men have ever been to you.
No, he did it for you. He loves you!
That's what Haarry said, and we all see how that worked out!
My conciense was fighting with itself as I pushed number 2 on the elavator list of buttons. I leaned against the wall as my train of thought fluttered away, not wanting to deal with any more bullshit, only the truth.
"It's been awhile, sweetheart." Niall grinned, his thick accent comforting me.
"I saw you yesterday, I honestly don't even think a full 24 hours have passed." I smiled back, hiding my true feeligs in the bacck of my mind. Although, Niall is a physcopath, I'm sure he could tell how nervewrecked I was.
Niall tangled his fingers through his blonde hair, "That doesn't mean I can't miss you. How could I not miss that beautiful face of yours, oh, and that stunning figure!" He was now loudly speaking like a gameshow host. My cheeks grew hot at his compliments, but I wasn't in the mood for any of these type of conversations.
"Niall, please. You making me feel amazing is not my highest level of interest right now." Okay, I might have kind of been flirting. "The reason Im here is to explain to you, why I can't help louis, Zayn , and you escape anymore."
Niall's smile dropped and his eyes went from a light blue to a dark grey.
"What?" He furrowed his eyebrows down in anger.
"I- Zayn deser-" Before I could finish my sentence Niall had thrown me against the wall.
"You can't fucking leave anymore. Right when you began hearing our plans, you were permanetly signed in." The tip of his nose was pressed against mine and his eyes were locked into my swampy green ones.
"It's not a option to leave now, nor will it ever be. Because even when we do escape, you'll have to keep on running, and killing with us. You won't be aloud to leave, because you will always have the option of ratting us out. You won't be able to leave, because you won't want to leave us. By the time we escape, you'll have already became a physcopath yourself. " Niall took a deep breath and sighed.
"You'll have already fell in love with one."
Niall shoved his lips onto mine, moving his hands onto my waist and pushing himself onto me further, deepining the kiss. Although he wasn't the best kisser, I couldn't anger a phsycopath anymore than needed.

Hey guys, I apoligize for the chapter being so much shorter than usual!But I have been really busy lately!!

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