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Dear 'abd/amat

Please stop comparing your relationship with Allah to that of others. You're not doing yourself any good. Stop trying to read more pages of Quran than this person or sitting longer to make dua after salah than that person. It won't last before you give up. Yes take inspiration from other people but don't try to be like them. Try to have your own journey, your own experiences and your own lessons. It took some effort from them before they got to where they are and it will take some effort from you too. And also lots and lots of patience. Stop sighing in frustration because you couldn't have khuhoo in salah or giving up prayer completely because you feel you can never reach the level that the other person has reached. And ignore those who tell you to be pious like so and so, remind yourself that yes so and so is doing great but you cannot be like them.

Remind yourself that the path you are seeking is the path of Allah and on the path of Allah we are all on different levels but we all have the same destination. We are all constantly striving. The struggle doesn't end. You will need help along the way and you will need people around you to encourage you but remember that it is your journey and your own unique story. Allah will appreciate your efforts always remember that. Move at your own pace and enjoy the sweetness of the journey towards Him.

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