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Dear Abd/Amat,

You may find yourself in a situation where you're constantly being compared to another person. Whether you're the one doing the comparing or it's another person. You talk yourself or you're told that that person is smarter than you, funnier than you, prettier than you, etc. And it seems like that person is everything you're not. That person has achieved all that you're re currently struggling to achieve. It seems like that person can do everything and is good at everything. In most cases, that's not always true. Someone who may appear to have it all doesn't. That person has their own personal struggles that you know nothing about. So just because it seems like they're always winning, doesn't mean they are. They have their good days and bad days, just like you. Also remember that the fact that things don't always work out for you like they do for someone else doesn't mean you're worthless. It doesn't mean that all your efforts are nothing and that you shouldn't even try because what's the point in trying anyway when someone is already where you want to be?

Keep going. Don't stop. Recognise that Allah has blessed people in so many ways and that being jealous of someone or resenting someone because they're in a situation you want to be, isn't the way to move forward. It's hard at first but try to focus on yourself and what you are doing. And not what the other person has done. Celebrate your own little improvements and milestones. Take things at your own pace. Don't consciously or unconsciously put yourself in a situation where you're always trying to prove that you're better, or that you can be better than that person. You know your capacity so stay within your limits. Thank Allah for what you are able to do, ask Him to help you achieve the things you want. Make mistakes, learn from them and move on. Don't let some other persons achievements weigh down. It's your life. And remember that not always winning and sometimes losing is a part an parcel of who you are. A fallible human being.

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