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Dear Abd/Amat.
If you're sad, angry, depressed, frustrated,worried, etc. And the only thing that interests you right now is death to end what you're facing, then this one is for you. Right now killing yourself might look like the only way out, the only way to end your pain but trust me that's not what you want for yourself. Why? Because every problem has a solution and above all you were made for Jannah, a place free from all these troubles. This life is only a few years of heartache, it is like the duration of pain when pricked by a needle. If you must, even though it may be hard try to seek professional help, try talking to someone. And although what you're dealing with may not be spiritual still pray about it. Tell Allah to help you get out of the situation that you're in. Right now, you may not see the reason for for being alive, you may not care if there is a light at the end of the tunnel. What i I want you to know is that you are very important to the one who made you and remember that He specifically chose you to be born, experience this life and gave you and opportunity to live in eternal bliss, don't let go of that oppurtunity.You will be extremely thankful for not taking your life.
May Allah keep you strong.

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