Dora starts her new adventure

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Dora syed a breath of releef after being kicked out of her house by her mum and disowned by her parents because she was dooing a too much exploring. She did a colab with the local gang leaders son and robed the rain forest leaf cleening applyants store. Sins we last saw Dora she's had turned to a bad ass. And, she had a black lether costyoom and studs and spikes all over her even in her lashis and her shape was thic . She had bout a brand nyew motor cykil and did a bad ass spray paint of SWIPER NO SWIPING in a bad ass shiny new color she inventid with her new gang leader son ass boy. With the cleening aplyants for leafs she manigd too kill the hole rain forest and take her bad ass cosin Diego with her and her ass boy with her and her new explore. Too yers ago she had tradid bootst to the local zo becaos she was brok and she was brok for muney b b but befor that she did have an 'looking for sum fun' relashunship with her hot jock of the rain forest jungil like Tarzan with a lot of jocks like Tarzan. So they left the rain forest
and went swiming and
Dora felt something baking her in side the Samd and she lookd down and patrick was craving her foot and eating her foot and Dora said spung Bob! Wow it is famus! Then he said oh come down to my frends pinaple and you wil meet mor famus peepol. Yay good said dora. You mite say im swiming in danjir! Said dora. Yes yo ur very going to SEA soum intristing stuff down heir! She woked in to the pinaple and saw Danny gonzaliz and drew gooden and Kurtis  onner! And Lele pins and Hana stoking! And they were frinds! Dora did a weep and a sobbing until she did colaps on the sea grownd and Tarzan swing throu the seeweed snd brok throu the pinaple with his musle foot and he did faint aswel and he told Danny he mite be Danny but I am her MANny so don't try and steel me girl and Danny and his frends cried and did a fall on the grind tsp. Danny work eup and said friends all wake up! Then drew send to dora a kiss from his hart as he did ster into her deep brown eyes. Diego jumpd in front of her to git the kis bekaus he loves drew and Danny and Kurtis and he doednt want them to Louvre dora. During this ass boy was at mister krabs and crusty krab and ordird a lot of krabi paddies and plotting to git dora bac and he wanted to strangil ass boy with his lushis hair who he also wantit to strangil him. And then mister krab did told him
Oh hello muscle man com to my kitshin we can do a fun bake. So Tarzan did that too and he followd mister krab to that kitshin he did talk to him abouat and then krab did shuv Tarzan in the oven and did bake him! Oh my god this is shoking! And did sell Tarzan hair! Bac in the pinaple Denny was rekording a new videyo called I think I'm in luv feeturing lele and Hana! And then he notisd that drew and kurtis just made a vide with the same meending! Then in the krusty krab spongbob did find blud in his uven Gena! Until he did saw a strind of Tarzan's luciis hair and did cry of goy becus  he did hate Tarzan         but then hee did heer a second skreem!!!!!........................

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