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"I'm putting on my manager hat here, Bradley," Bobby told him that next afternoon. They'd met for lunch at a place downtown where an entree cost as much as his monthly car payment but Bobby waved his protests away, saying it was on him. Given that the other man wasn't very happy with the recent turn of the events, he had decided to go with it.

After they'd ordered, Bobby looked him straight in the eye. "Look," he sighed, sipping San Pellegrino, "as her friend, I'm thrilled she found someone who clearly is really good for her. Who loves her. And I'm so extremely glad that she loves your daughter. All of that is wonderful from the point of view of someone who's her best friend. But as her manager, the person who has her best interest at heart, with her career, all of this talk about taking a break isn't good." Bluntly, he leaned forward, pulling at the lapels of his blazer. "You gotta level with me here. Did you put her up to this?"

Coolly, Bradley shook his head. "I didn't put her up to anything, Bobby. Stefani makes her own decisions. I just support whatever she thinks is best."

His answer seemed to dissatisfy Bobby. "Here's the thing...I know what's best, and a break isn't it. I know that makes me sound like a dick but I'm not trying to be. I only have good intentions here."

"With all due respect, Bobby," Bradley paused as their waiter brought them their food, stopping to thank him. "With all due respect, I think this is all Stefani's decision. Not mine or yours."

As he speared a piece of spinach, the other man looked up, startled, as though he'd hadn't expected Bradley's quiet rebuttal.

He sighed, folding his hands. "The thing is, I don't want her to regret not taking all of the opportunities offered to her. I know her and I know just how much the work means. I get that she's tired and I told her we could scale back a little. But I don't think dumping the entire tour is the solution." Bobby leaned forward, "please Bradley, just between you and I. Is she pregnant? Because then this entire break thing would make a whole lot more sense. I'd like to think she would've said something but maybe she thought it was too early..." He shook his head, "I hope she didn't think I wouldn't be thrilled for her. She's wanted to be a mom for as long as I've known her. Of course, I'd be elated."

"Think we're getting way ahead of ourselves here, Bob," Bradley took a bite of his pasta, shifting uncomfortably. "Unless you know something I don't, somehow."

He'd had suspicions that there was more going on that Stefani wasn't saying; the extra bouts of exhaustion, the way she had dyed her hair back to its blonde hue, how she'd be playing a board game with Lea or be giving her a bath and he'd catch the tears pooling in the eyes he loved so much. No, he didn't believe she was pregnant but there were clearly other things at work, things he didn't want to push her to discuss if she wasn't ready to.

"I only know that she's been very sentimental lately. Showing me pictures of Lea, talking about really enjoying the moments of family life with the two of you. It could be just that, too." Bobby sighed, "I don't expect I can change her mind, huh? Or even how long this break will last." His eyes held guilt. "Sorry for automatically assuming it was you, man. I guess I'm still reeling from the whole Carino fiasco. There was always a mess to clean up with him. Do you know he wanted her to break her contract for Enigma? He was ready to wring my neck when I told him there was no way in hell we could do that. You're not him and I need to keep telling myself that. My apologies, Bradley. I know you're a decent guy."

"Hey," he reached over to shake Bobby's out stretched hand as a peace offering, "I understand. You don't have to apologize. You want what's best for Stefani, as a manager and as a friend." He took a sip of water, speaking earnestly. "I just think she should take the lead, always. She knows exactly what she wants."

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