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Heaven knows I went through hell
Trying to trust somebody else
I had all but given up
Cause I was never quite enough
Couldn't tell I was going under
Suddenly, suddenly that water
Pulls you in, pulls you down
Balancing on a tightrope wire
Build the walls, build the walls up higher
Until you, until now
Baby, I feel it deep down in my bones
There's a part of me no one else has known
When you look, not afraid of what you see
But you say show me, you say show me

"I can't believe you guys did all this," Stefani couldn't stop gushing. "You learned to play guitar, just for me? And my God, your voice, Bradley! I had no idea you could sing."

All of this was in between hugging and kissing their assembled family and friends and admiring her ring.

She got a glimpse of Lea and Gloria, bending and opening her arms to the little girl who ran into them.

"Were you surprised, Mama?"

Stefani scooped her up, twirling her around. "Yes, my baby. This was the best surprise I could've ever dreamed of." She kissed her forehead, "and you kept this a secret?"

Lea nodded seriously and Stefani peppered her cheeks with kisses. "You are such a big girl, Lea, do you know that? I'm so proud of you."

"Daddy said when you get married, you'll really be my mama."

Her eyes filled with tears for the umpteenth time and so did Bradley's as he watched them. "He's right, pumpkin."

With Lea still in her arms, she turned to Gloria, going to embrace her. "I love you."

"You're already family, honey, but the fact it'll be official makes me so happy."

It went like that with everyone; her own parents, Holly, Bo, Kari and Dave, Sarah and Tim. Pure joy and celebration and gratefulness.

"You had something to do with this," she threw her arms around her sister, hugging her fiercely. "Love you so much."

"I couldn't have done it without her," Bradley came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. "Thank you so much for all of this, Natali," he told her sincerely, "this is amazing."

"We worked as a team. Everybody pitched in," she informed Stefani. "I love you, Loops. No one deserves this more. You guys are a beautiful couple. I love you, Bradley." She went to hug him warmly.

"Love you, too."

"Can I have everyone's attention, please?" Bo stood on a chair, tapping her champagne glass with the side of her fork. "We have a buffet dinner being set up at the back of the restaurant. Please, help yourselves."

It wasn't long before food and drink were flowing freely and laughter rang out through the room. Stefani sat between him and Lea, cutting the little girl's chicken into smaller pieces, occasionally pausing from eating her own food to lightly kiss him or bend her head to rest against his.

"This is delicious," she made sure to let Lukas know when he came by the table to offer his congratulations. "Thank you so much for being a part of this. It was so special. And Bradley told me he's been taking guitar lessons from you, too." Her eyes danced, "you're obviously an amazing teacher."

Lukas grinned, ducking his head. "He's a quick learner." He chucked Bradley on the shoulder, reaching out to shake Stefani's hand. "I was happy to do it. You guys make a great couple and I'm really happy for you both."

His joy was expanded ten fold seeing how thrilled everyone who cared about them was and it was evident by Stefani's adulation and tears and ear to ear beaming grin, pure sunshine, that she shared his sentiments.

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