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A special shout-out to @Straightshooter80 for all her encouragement with this chapter! I appreciate you.

There was something almost ethereal about New York during the holiday season and it was not lost upon Bradley that this particular Christmas was special. It was the first that both families would spend together and their little secret made the time even sweeter.

After getting settled in at the townhouse, Bradley cooked lunch, which Stefani, her appetite newly renewed, ate with gusto. He took Lea for some sight seeing, allowing for her to nap in the interim and when they returned, she greeted them at the door with hugs and kisses, looking refreshed.

"Did you have a good time?"

"We did," he grinned, helping Lea to remove her coat, hat, and mittens before taking his own off and hanging everything up on the brass coat rack. "We got to see Macy's and Saks's windows all decorated, didn't we, Lee?"

The little girl nodded, her voice brimming with excitement. "And we had hot chocolate!" Her face fell slightly, "I missed mama."

"Oh, I missed you, too, baby," Stefani scooped her up, kissing her soft curls. "Both of you. Can I take a raincheck?"

Lea scrunched up her nose and she laughed. "Just a silly expression grown-ups use," she explained gently, setting her down. "It means we can do it again, together."

"Mama was really, really tired today," Bradley offered, "so I thought it'd be nice if we let her rest for a little bit while I spent some time with my best girl."

She seemed to accept this explanation for the time being and Stefani slowly brought herself to the floor to be at her level. "Why were you so tired?"

Over her head, they exchanged a glance and seeing the question in Bradley's eyes, she shook her head.

"Tell you what, my pumpkin," she brought herself down slowly to sit at Lea's level, "how about I make you some dinner? Anything you want, you name it."

"Mmm," Lea contemplated, her brow furrowing in concentration, "macaroni and cheese. And hot dogs! Please," she added hurriedly.

"Excellent choice. You got it. And if it's okay with your dad, we can make Christmas cookies afterward for dessert."

"Yes! Can we make a lot to bring some to Irina?"

"I think that would be really kind, love," Bradley replied, crouching to kiss the top of her head. "I bet she'll love them."

"I have to agree. You are such a sweet, thoughtful little girl," Stefani declared.

"I'm a big girl," the polite sass attached to her reply made them both laugh and Stefani held out her hands so that Bradley could help her to her feet.

"Yes, you are. A very big girl. Guess what? Big girls get to watch a movie with dinner, too," she winked. "Do you want to run in the living room and pick it out?"

"Yes, please!"

"I'll be there in a minute, love," Bradley promised, "I'm just going to head into the kitchen to see if Stefi needs some help."

Lea trotted off happily and once she was out of earshot, they stepped into the kitchen, lingering to speak quietly near the stove.

"I know that was a good opportunity to sit down and tell her but I don't want to put too much on her all at once, being that she's going to see Irina tomorrow," Stefani explained, fluttering a hand over her abdomen. "Not that she knows the specifics of things, not yet, but it just doesn't feel like the right time. Do you think we can plan for before we head to my parents on Christmas Eve, maybe in the morning? Or maybe that won't be the right time, either."

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