Chapter 3:

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Unexpected chapter update? I think so!

I'm really sorry I've been gone! I know I've been procrastinating for a while but I've got a bit of a writers block at the moment and I'm trying really hard to get through it!

I'm really sorry if this chapter is boring but please just hold on because I swear you will NOT be disappointed in the end, in fact, ya'll better be ready cause ahehe you gon be shocked- ANYWAY I know what's gonna happen in my story but I'm not too sure how to get there, but I'm slowly figuring it out!

Also sorry if this chapter is a little confusing! But I promise it'll all make sense in due time! And so with no further adue! Let's get on with the chapter!


"Send me to a place... where no one else will find me. A place of peace and happiness. Somewhere where happiness is so close you could touch it... hold it... hug it. Send me somewhere far away from the world we live in today. A place where murders and threats are not even in the vocabulary of those in that world. Send me to a world where happiness is at our fingertips...... a world where the sun, instead of burning our dreams with its heat, is the light that illuminates among the darkness. Send me to a place where the moon does not signify a night of death, but a night of dreams... a night of peaceful sleep where we can drift off to a magic world of hope... send me to a world where smiles are normal, where blood-curdling screams are outdated by the happiness of others as their smiles shine away our darkness... and people are no longer trapped by the demons we are born with...... send me to a world where I can just be free." Dewey's dry raspy voice finally came to an end, his words seeming to echo throughout his room as his brothers shocked expressions held a silent cry for the girl they considered their sister.

"That's... what was written on the back of the photo?" Louie questioned, breaking the silence after what seemed like forever.

Dewey nodded, the photo shaking as his hands failed to hold it steady.

"That's... horrible..." Huey added, hugging his junior woodchuck guidebook for dear life, the only thing he always felt he could depend on, the only thing he felt wouldn't bring such situations down so suddenly.

Whenever something bad were to happen he would always blame himself. As the oldest triplet, he has a responsibility to protect the younger ones from the pain he knew would come, physically, emotionally and mentally, however, unfortunately the amount of times Webby especially had experienced all three forms of pain was more then Huey himself could keep up with. The amount of pain this young girl has gone wth through, the amount of times she has had to hide it from her own family, faking a smile so she wouldn't worry them...... the amount of times he failed to see it. She was hurt...... really really hurt... and this situation with her parents didn't help.

All Huey wanted to do was hug her, tell her everything would be ok, but he knew not even that wouldn't be enough to cheer her up. She's in too deep and bringing her back out would be the biggest struggle of his entire life... why... why didn't he notice sooner... some older sibling he is...

"Can I... see the photo?" Louie hesitantly asked, gaining a nod from Dewey.

Grasping at the photo, his eyes teared up. "Wow..." Was all he managed to get out.

Was this his fault? He never realised how upset she truely was, but this, this opened his eyes to it all. He knew the pain of knowing the truth when it's been hidden for so long and even after learning the truth about his mom, he got over it... but this... this was way worse than anything anyone could ever imagine... maybe if he didn't have his head stuck in his phone all the time... maybe if he payed attention he would have known how much everything was slowly tearing her apart... how deeply she was falling... he knew what that was like... he knew the pain of falling and not being able to take one breathe of air... as someone who knew the suffering... the guilt-crushing pain knowing you've brought others down... the pain of wondering why you were even put on the earth... he knew that pain all too well... so why didn't he notice it happening to her?... If only he had payed attention... why couldn't he see the pain she was enduring... if only he had payed more attention... why out of all people did it have to be the duck who experienced all the pain for years... if only he had payed more attention... why... if only he had payed more attention......

Dewey lay silent on his bed, his mind clouded with doubts, questions, fears. Was this really happening? When he sent her in there he didn't expect that answer... that expression... it broke his heart knowing the person he loved had to endure that pain... wait...... loved?

Walking out of the room, Webby's shocked face allowed Dewey to see straight through her, allowed him to feel her heart racing.

"Webb's? What happened did you get information?" He asked her, a look of curiosity and fear plastered across his face. Why did she look like that?

Was he really ready for the answer that awaited?

Tears began forming in her, her breathe picking up as her heart beat got faster and faster. "T-They..." Was all she managed to get out, before dropping to her knees and crying in agonising pain.

"WEBBY!" Dewey screamed her name, making Louie and Huey look up from their devices and run out of their room, beholding the sight before them. "What happened?!" Huey questioned.

"I... don't know." Dewey answered.

Taking a deep breathe and closing his eyes, Dewey got on his knees and embraced her tightly. He didn't know what happened but he knew she needed all the comfort she could get. He didn't know what happened but he knew the sight before him broke his heart. He ached to see her smiling cheery face again, but this, this was not Webby. Where was she? This was a sad lonely duckling who just needed her parents. This was not Webby. Where was she? This was a painfilled duckling who longed for happiness. This was not Webby. Where was she?

Where was the Webbigail he knows and loves?

Joining in on the hug, Louie and Huey embraced her tightly. Between the triplets, unspoken words suddenly became clear. 'History was repeating itself.'

His features began to change as tears slowly rolled down his cheek, each one taunting him with the words he knew were true. He failed. He failed to protect her from the same pain he endured when finding out about his mom. The pain was unbearable, as if something was choking him, squeezing his throat and cutting off his circulation.

There was only one thing all the triplets thought, one thing at that hard point in their lives that was obvious to all. They were scared.

"I wonder if Harleen and Killian are still in love despite the things that happened..." Louie wondered, making Dewey freeze in his spot.

"What did you just say?" He spoke quietly.

"I wonder if they're still in love?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"No no no, there names. That's not their names." Jumping from his bed, Dewey swung himself underneath, bouncing as he landed on his younger brothers bed.

Handing him the photo, Louie glanced up at his eldest brother, both sharing a raised eyebrow and an expression of confusion.

By then Huey had climbed half way down the ladder in between Louie's and Dewey's bed, looking at his brothers in confusion and mirroring Louie's expression.

"How did you know their names were Killian and Harleen?" Dewey questioned, examining the photo with great determination and focus.

"Their name tags on their uniforms, they say 'Killian' and 'Harleen.'" Louie answered, his eyebrow still raised as his expression never changed.

Dewey's eyes widened, his pupils dilating as he took in a sharp breathe.

Slamming the door open and racing out, he sped to Webby's room leaving a confused Louie and Huey duck to ponder in their thoughts.

"WEBBY!!" He burst the door open, meeting the girls teary eyes as she lay on the edge of her bed.

Puffing, he held the door frame for support, his other hand holding the photo in the air.


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