Chapter 7:

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HEYOOOOO! I'm so so sorry I've been gone for so long, it's just procrastinating and heaps of stress for my future. I have so much on my mind and I'm so incredibly stressed for what I'm gonna be in the future, I know I shouldn't be worrying about it but I am... a lot. More than anyone should be. And yeah so that's also been preventing me from writing. BUT! IM BACK!

Again, I'm so sorry I left for so long without warning! :( And please please please let me know all your questions you have about this story, especially considering this chapter gets a liiiiittle complicated. If anyone has any questions/ideas or anything, comment and I'll respond!

Nonetheless, I really do hope you enjoy this chapter! If you did, please vote and comment! Thank you and I hope you all have an INCREDIBLE day/night!

"Oh honey you've grown so big." The women smiled, heading Webby's way as she held the young girls face in her hands.

Webby sat frozen, pupils dilated as her eye lightly twinkled with tears. As soon as the woman's face had come into view, her mind flashed back to the photo her grandmother had given her of her missing parents. Her mind immediately recognising the woman's face to be her mother.

"Oh darling, shhh, don't cry. It's ok, you're alright." The woman hugged Webby, waiting patiently for her daughter to hug back, however, was met with nothing.

"Webby dear, are you alright?" The woman questioned, breaking the hug.

Webby's eyes searched the woman's facial features, silence taking over her as she found herself unable to find the words to describe how she felt; confused, scared, lost.

"Webby~" The woman was cut off as yet another man emerged from the darkness, a man unrecognised by the duckling. His eyebrows held much unneeded fur, causing her eyes to immediately question if one could even have that much eyebrow hair. His brown hair sleeked back as if he were dressing up as some cliché spy from a TV show. He wore a black blazer with a green sweater underneath. As Webby's eyes finally met with the mans face before her, she could sense the dark aura emitting from his intense glare.

"That's enough. We don't want to confuse the poor girl more than she already is." The man stated, an unreadable expression across his face.

Webby's gaze drifted to the woman in front of her, widening her eyes at the horrific sight.

The woman's face slowly changed, morphing into that of an unfamiliar one.

Though the woman's flowery dress remained the same, her eyes grew the slightest bit smaller, her brown hair turning blonde and growing in length until it met her elbows.

"Awww I can't have my fun, Felix?" The woman teased, pouting like a baby as she slightly tilted her head. Standing to her feet, she let her gaze drift back down to the weak duckling before her as she fed off the fear emitting from Webby's expression.

"Come now, Rose, we don't want to let her have the joy of having her parents back now, do we?" The man, who's name was deemed to be 'Felix', rhetorically asked.

"W-What's going on? Who-Who are you?!" Webby stuttered, weakly getting to her feet only to have her feet betray her as she tripped, landing face first into the ground. Sounds of laughter emerged from the darkness around her. Holding her head, Webby sat up, sitting on her knees.

'None of this makes any sense...' She thought.

"Oh we know it doesn't. It's not meant to." The woman, Rose, smirked.

'Wait what? Can they read my thoughts?!" Webby panicked.

"Yes. Yes we can." Felix answered.

Webby, again, tried standing to her feet. To her luck, it was a success as she held her fists in front of her, ready to attack.

"Tell me who you are and what's going on!" Webby demanded, surprising herself from the lack of stuttering as, although it may not have been evident by the sweat trickling down her forehead, she was petrified.

"Oh how rude of me! My name is Rose and this is my husband, Felix. We were sent to this dimension by your wretched parents because oh 'we worked from F.O.W.L. and F.O.W.L. is bad' or whatever the little shit said." Rose mimicked the words —Webby assumed her mother had said— as she crossed her arms, a small pout once again reaching her lips.

"Oh don't worry dear, Webbigail here is the key to our freedom! And she's going to help us, isn't that right, darling?" Felix questioned Webby, sending her a glare as if to dare her to say no, in which, she did.

"No." Webby firmly stated. "You still haven't told me what's going on." Webby claimed, her fists remaining before her as she furrowed her eyebrows.

Felix ran a hand down his face, a loud groan escaping his beak. "Ok let's start this all again. You entered a cave called 'Celiunus.' This cave contains major amounts of magic energy, which allowed your mother and father to, not just trap us on this island, but trap us in the walls of this cave a long time ago. 9 years if I'm being exact. They did this because they were SHUSH agents and we were FOWL agents, so as such we were obliged to fight. Unfortunately, as you can tell, we lost and were trapped within the walls of this cave, as mentioned before. My wife, Rose, and I had been planning this revenge for the longest time. We would wait for any Vanderquack to return and pull them in this dark void with us. As soon as you walked through that cave entrance, my dear, your energy was slowly sucked out of you as your spirit landed in this dark void, with us. Your blue-wearing friend out there is currently just holding you tight, waiting for you to wake up. So, yes, before you ask he is ok and you never hurt him, that was but an illusion my wife and I decided to put together just to have some fun, seeing as we'll be spending the rest of our lives here. And now... so will you." Felix finally finished, a smirk tugging at his beak.

Webby's gaze drifted to the floor, her mind racing. In short, it seemed her spirit was pulled into a dark void due to the magic energy of the cave.

'Wait... so how come Dewey didn't get sucked into this dark void as well?' Webby questioned herself.

"Because, seeing as we were the first ones in history to be trapped inside this dark void, we now control who comes inside with us. In other words, we are the walls of the cave, and decide who's energy to suck out and who's spirit to capture." Rose answered.

Webby's face deadpanned. 'Right. I forget they could read my thoughts.'

"Mhm. That's right. And we knew right when you walked through that door, just by looking at you, that you were Webbigail Vanderquak, our stupid enemies one and only daughter." Felix gritted his teeth at the mention of Webby's parents.

"This is all so... complicated." Webby spoke, her gaze focused on the floor.

Felix groaned. "Ok, I'll put it down to dumb words for you. We were trapped in this magical cave 9 years ago by your parents. Your parents worked for SHUSH and we worked for FOWL. As members of FOWL, we were obliged to fight any member of SHUSH. However, whilst fighting, your parents pushed us into a cave, which just so happened to suck up all our energy causing us to black out. When we awoke, our spirits were stuck in this dark void. Understand now?" Felix stated, emphasising certain words as if he were talking to a baby.

"Y-Yes..." Webby stuttered, her mind running wild with thoughts she never thought she'd have to bare. Why did her parents do that? If they were part of SHUSH would they really do such a thing? Wouldn't it have been better to just take them into custody? Was it bad Webby felt bad for Felix and Rose? Was she going to be stuck with them for the rest of her life now? Webby's eyes searched the floor below her, looking for answers to her questions. But like the hole her parents left in her heart, nothing helped her.

"Good." Felix stood up straight, his arms curling behind his back. A smirk tugged at his beak as he grinned at his wife, then, back down at the small duckling before him. Reaching a pocket knife in his blazer, his footsteps carried him closer to the girl sat before him, a devilish grin on his face as his wife followed.

"Now it's time to have some fun."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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