Chapter 8 - pitty party

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It's saturday the day I break up with jacob. I have mixed feelings about all this I mean he cheated on me and I hate him so much now and I have to move on now but I can't help but think that a small part of me will always love jacob he made me feel so special.

Before I go and meet jacob I need to meet with Justin, Nick , daniel, Marrissa and Kathy to finish our plan. I am meeting Jacob at 4 at the mall so I had time. I am kinda nervous I mean I have never done something like this before but I'll give it a shot. It was 12:00 pm and I got a text from Justin.
J : Justin

J: hey destiny meet me at my house at one and well plan. everyone is gonna be there to.

Me : Ya ok no problem c u soon 😜
J : lol , ttyl 😜😋

I pluged my phone in to charge and hopped in to the shower I am gonna get dressed a little nicer today becuase I need to look like nothing is wrong.

I got out of my hot shower put a towel over my body and walked into my room to pick out an outfit. I wasn't coming back home befor the date so I was bringing my date clothes with me. For now I got into a pair of tights and a puma sweatshirt. By the time I got my stuff on it was 12:45. Justin didn't live far so I was just gonna walk. I walk down the steps leading to my kitchen and grabbed a piece of toast to eat on the way there. I yelled " bye mom see you later love you " not waiting for a response i walk out the door and headed towards his house.

I have been walking for about 5 minutes and I was a few blocks away , when I heard a honk I turn around and the car had stoped next to me rolling down the window. I see who was driving the car it was daniel " heyy why you walking " he asked " haha well I just wanted to " i responded making him shake his head laughing " okay , get in " he says turning his head montining to get in " no . no it's fine don't worry I'll walk " I say I don't feel like sitting but knowing him he won't give up untill I get in " Des , come on we both know where this is heading we will argue for ten minutes and you end up coming any way so let's just save us the hastle. " He says smirking I walk towards the other side of the car and get in the passenger seat. " Thanks " I say " anything thing for my bestie " he says skringing his nose.

When we got to Justin's house daniel quickly opened his door and made his way to my side of the car befor I even unhooked my seat belt, and opened my door " gentlemen " I say with a smirk. He just laughs a bit and leads me to Justin's door.

He knocked on his door and Justin appeared within a couple seconds welcoming us in.

When we got there everyone was already there sitting on the couch talking but as soon as we walk in it all goes dead silent. Why ? Do they think I am a person who always needs assistance and sympathy when situations like this happen. " Heyyyy " they all say in unison with a hint of sympathy in their voices.

" Hiii " I say with a smile taking my seat on the couch next to Marrissa and Kathy. They gave me a sympathetic smile. Okay holy shit they are getting me really mad now " guys I am ok I hear the sympathy in your voices Ya I am in pain and is hurt at the fact that he is cheating on me but today is the day I get to give him a taste of his own medicine " I say strong and confident even though I wanna curl up into a ball and cry I know that won't benefit me it will just make it worse.

" you know what ? Destiny is 100% right we don't have to sit here all day and mope around being sad doing nothing lets leave the sadness and the rage for tonight. For now let's just have fun and forget what that disgusting blob of shit is doing" Nick says making as all laugh yet nod and agree with what he was saying. see sometimes hat little brain of his works. While they where all talking about what to do i wasn't listening I was deep in thought about jacob I mean we have been dating for 6 months i know it's not even that long but I thought we were getting serious and he said he loved me. Looks like I have to realize that love doesn't exist and that love is only in fairytales and no one would ever love me.

I feel a tear coming on NO I can't cry in front of them just told them I was strong and that I could handle it. I guess I can't. Befor I start balling i run out of the room into the kitchen witch was happily empty. I find a corner and cry. Why ? Why would he do this... How long has this been happening for ?
Was our relationship all a lie ? I cry harder carfull not to be to loud and not cause attention to my self even more than I already did.

I heard foot steps coming into the kitchen coming my way I didn't bother looking up I jut barried my head in my knees.

I felt a hand on my knee looking up I see it is Marrissa and Kathy. They looked very worried. Marrissa and Kathy realized I was crying and they both pulled me into a hug.

" Why ... Why would he do this to me. Am i that bad am I not worth it? " I ask sobbing so hard and so loud In Kathy and Marrissa's shoulders . " Nothing okay absolutely nothing jacob is an idiot okay and he doesn't deserve you he never has. He is a lowlife jerk who won't know what hit him after tonight." Kathy says " you are perfect I agree with Kathy he doesn't know what he lost you are the most beautiful, smart , funny , pretty girl I have ever met he was lucky to have you. And the next guy even luckier. And remember this is making you so much more stronger." Marrissa says " thanks " I say sniffling " but I can't move on yet he was my first love and I am not only angry at him for lying I am more angry at my self for believing him for so long"

" Hey you guys coming back becu.. oh my god are you okay? " Justin says as he walks into the kitchen followed by Nick and Daniel. I don't say anything I just stay there on the floor with Marrissa and Kathy. The girls look at the guys and shake their heads. The guys come over to me and they all give me a group hug. " He is a jerk " Nick says I look over at Daniel and i see he looks really pissed off


I can't believe that jerk cuased this much pain to her I mean I guess we all didn't realize how much he ment to her I probably shouldn't of shown the picture I feel so bad " I am so sorry Des I should've showed you the picture " I say out loud " No , No Daniel it's not your fault don't feel bad I am glad that you showed me the picture when you did becuase then It might have gotten more serious and harder to let go" she stops becuase of her crying " its -just -hard. " she finish off.

As much as I wanna go and punch jacob in the face I know it's wrong and I think Destiny would wanna do it more than me.

We got her to stop crying becuase it was almost time to go to mall to meet jacob. And she needed to get ready. All the guys went up to Justin's room to get ready when we were done the girls went up to Justin's room to get ready.


I have the best of freinds they help me through EVERY THING I don't know what I would do with out them.

We we got into Justin's room I was definitely suprised it was SOO clean I wish my room was this clean i flop onto his bed closing my eyes befor a pillow wacks me " hey , what the h.... " I ask getting cut off " GET READY " they both yell at me " okay okay." I say not wanting to get them mad.

I walk over to my bag and grab my outfit and head to the bathroom witch is happily in his room ( yay ) I wanna make my self look super hot so that he knows that he messed up big time and that he will NEVER get me back and his sorry's won't be for given. I already have my super push up bra on. So I just put in a cute long sleeve shirt that said " I don't need men they disappoint me " on it I love that shirt and it was a low v neck. I also put on a pair of blue jeans I know he loves becuae he claims it to compliment my eyes ( witch are blue ). I know it's the end of November but and it is alittle cold but I put in a pair of nude flats. I had my cross neckalace on and my purple leather pandora bracelet on with my grandmothers ring on my  ring finger. to finish off my look i spray some 'kiss me cupcake' body spray on witch I love so much it makes me smell like heaven.

I walk out the bathroom door and look at Marrissa and Kathy on their phones " soo how do I look " I ask there mouths dropped " oh . my . god " they both say in unison "destiny you look BEAUTIFUL " Kathy says "thanks guys" I say I glanced at my phone it was 3:30 the mall wasn't far but u still needed to be on time.

We walk out Justin's room and walk downstairs into the living room the guys took one look at me and thier moths droped do u look that good ? " Wow " they all say making me blush " you look ... Really good " Daniel says " thanks umm should we go ? " I ask " Ya lets get going " Justin says.


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