Chapter 19 - Suprise

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This chapter goes out to @bwilliams279 for giving me this idea so thanks. 💕

I pound my hand against the snooze button, Wanting the noise to stop. After five minutes I finally get my lazey ass out of bed.

I took a shower yesterday so I just had to do my hair ,makeup and put on my clothes. I put in my uniform and headed to my makeup table. I put on some mascara to make my blue eyes pop. Then a thin line of black eyeliner. I don't wear much makeup because I don't have very acne filled face ( my face is smooth ). And I think that some girls just wear too much makeup and they look REALLY fake.

I walk downstairs and see my 2 older brothers Anthony and Nickolas sitting at the kitchen table. Anthony is in his third year of college apprentice ship. And Nicholas is in His first year of Collage. Bob and joe are still sleeping becuase they are still in elementary school and I am in high school.

I grab a to go cup and lid , then go make myself a vanilla tea. When the water was boiled I put it in the cup and add one teaspoon of honey and some 2% milk and headed out the door to my bus.

All day has been so fricken boring the teachers in my school need to be more interesting or just not teach anymore. It's know lunch and I am heading to out table becuase everyone else isn't healthy and wants to get the pizza from the cafeteria, so I am gonna sit by myself with my salad untill they come back.

When I reach the table I see him walk up to it. I put my lunch on the table about to sit and ignore him. But NOOO that won't roll with him.
" Hey , destiny please we need to talk "
He says backing me up to the wall.

" We have nothing to talk about. Now please let me go. "

" No. We do have something to talk about please let me explain. " Jacob says. But this time he said with more anger. This was the one thing that really scared me about him when we were dating. he begins again " I've given you two weeks to cool down and think about us. I really really like u and I don't want us to end the way we did"

" Well , that is to bad for you because during those two weeks witch were the best two weeks of my life with out you in it. I learned what a real genuine guy would do if he REALLY likes me. So we are over just move on." I said this trying to get out of his grip. This guy was so fricking strong it's unbelievable. Where are my freinds when I need them ?

" NO PLEASE YOU NEED TO LISTNE TO ME!!! WE DESERVE TO BE TOGHETHER GIVE ME A SECOND CHANCE!" Right when he said this he rushed his lips to mine. This kiss was so hungry. DAMN HE IS TOO THIRSTY. 

I was trying my best to get out of the kiss and out of his grip. But he won't budge.

That was then someone came up from behind jacob, grabs his shirt releasing me from his grip. The guy who i know i see is ...... Daniel. Punches jacob really hard in the face. Jacob is pushed to the floor by Nick and justin. And daniel rushes over to me and embraces me in a huge hug.

He makes me feel so safe. We turn around still stuck in his embrace. To see jacob running away. At that second I finally relaxed abit. I released from Daniels grip and rush to Kathy and Marrissa. Embracing them in a big hug.


After class I went to go get pizza from the cafeteria with Justin and Nick. I got pepperoni pizza. And Justin and Nick were boring pieces of shits and get a plane cheese pizza.

" So how was the date with destiny? "
Nick said
" I think it went great. It seems like she enjoyed it. "
" Are you gonna take it any further? " Justin said
" Ya , I hope it goes farther I really really like her. "

The conversation ended there as we saw Marissa and Kathy walk up to us. When we all got to the table we saw jacob stratiling Destiny. He was kissing her hard and I saw her trying to escape him but he wouldn't let her.

I don't know what went throught me when I saw this but the next thing i knew I was over there grabbing Jacobs shirt and pulling him off of her. Destiny just stood there frozen. looking at me as I klench my fist and punch him straight in the face. When I saw Nick and Justin come over to where I was. I rushed over to where Destiny stood and took her into a very big hug. I felt her relax under my touch.

We turned around not releasing from the hug to see jacob running off. As soon As she saw him leave she released herself from our hug. Witch I didn't want to end , and ran over to Kathy and Marissa. Embracing them in a hug.

I cannot believe the courage that guy has to come to OUR school and try to get her back after what he did. I care so much about Destiny and I won't let him take advantage of her.
I love her.



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