Chapter 11 - school

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I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm going off it sounds like a firetruck beeping. school start at 8:17 am and my bus leaves at 7:30 am. As normal I wake up at 6:30 so I can take a shower , considering I probably look like a monster and  probably smelt like a dying cat.

I strip my clothes off and walk into the shower letting the hot water hit my body and take out all the pain and stress of the days befor. I know that the next couple of weeks won't be easy but with my freinds I hope he  is the last thing in my mind for a long time.

I get out of the shower and dry my hair really quickly it's still a little damp but that's ok. I walk into my room to find omy school uniform I honestly don't hate it it looks cute on me. We have to wear uniforms every day exept on dress down days. We just had one the day I found out jacob was cheating on me so we won't have one until after the new year. I put some of my favourite lip balm on, my minty eos , the best for winter or late fall I guess. And head to my bus.

When I get to school i head to my first class math I don't have any of my close friends in my class. But I have my Freind Chrissy in there so she kinda makes it fun.

My math teacher is really boring so me and Chrissy just pass notes the whole time. The teachers assigned us some work and told us to work on it. I stared working when Chrissy starts talking "hey are you going to the dance next week? " Oh my god I completely forgot about the dance he was supposed to take me but.. You know. We always have a winter wonderland dance for Christmas it was fun but I don't wanna go by myself

" Umm no i don't think so are you. ? " I ask her looking at question 3.

" Ya I am and I really want you to come , how come you are not coming? , It's gonna be so fun "  I must of forgot to tell her about what happend " umm jacob and I broke up so I have no one to go with so I am probably gonna stay home and rewatch Season one of gypsy sisters. " I respond and she is in complete shock I mean I was too when I found out. " oh my goodness what happened are to okay ? " I smile " he cheated on me and Ya i am fine, and I don't wanna go to the dance becuase I don't wanna go alone"

" You won't go alone I will be there c'mon come please !!!!"

" Ughhh , I'll THINK about it okay ? "

" Yay I convinced you "

" Not yet " I say just as the bell rings i pack my stuff up and leave the class my next class is English it is my best subject ( acedemic).

After English I went straight to lunch, I was hungry and didn't care that I had my books with me , I just wanted to eat and be with my freinds .

Today was sloppy joes Tuesday and I knew it would get messy so I brought my own lunch , it was a chicken burger. When I get to the table that we usually go to I see that no one is there ,so I just wait for them. After waiting for a couple of minutes I decided to start without them becuase I was too hungry. when I take my first bite I close my eyes tight and enjoy the taste of the crunchy chicken and the melted cheese , I hear " what's up sweat heart " I open my eyes and to my suprise i see jacob in a black suit with a bouquet of flowers. it was even my favourite roses.

I look at him and continue with my burger. Why is it that the one day I go to lunch without my freinds the person I want too see the least shows up and I am by my self. I have the best freinds ( note the saricasim ). I think the silent treatment is justice enough to get rid of him.

" Ohh I see the silent treatment , alright well you don't have to talk just listen. Please " a part of me just wants to slap him across the face and tell him to get lost, but another of me wants to hear what he has to say. I don't say anything. So he starts talking

" Okay .... I am an idiot Monica was the stupiedest thing I have ever done. I left some one so special just becuase I was afraid of losing you, I mean you're freinds they all love you especially the guys at this school, I thought that if I just got another girlfreind. If you dumped me I wouldn't feel like a total loser. I am so sorry how many times do Have to say that I will say it one thousand times just Please please please forgive me and give us a second chance. "

I honestly don't know where that came out of but I am shocked and  WHERE THE HELL ARE MY FREINDS ??

Just as i  thought that all of my freinds come out laughing , they all stop when they see who is here. I look at jacob

" I don't care how sorry you are ... I don't care if you regret cheating on me okay ,anything that has to do with you I don't care about " i say to him trying to be strong " baby , I promise I will be better and that I will be yours always and forever please, give me ... " He stoped in hesitation " give us a second chance"

By the time he finished, my freinds were gatherd around me " please ..... " I interrupted him " GO " i say shouting at him. He gave up and leaft. Leaving the bouquet of flowers behind.

I sigh sitting at the table " are you okay what just happend ? "

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