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(AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys...sorry it's been almost 2 years since the last proper update👹I didn't forget DW, but seeing as I wrote this when I was 11-12 I had a small breakdown over the shitty plot and writing. BUT NEVER FEAR I'll just work with it and hopefully y'all don't mind lol. Plus mental health has been absolute ass, as in the gaping hole of a cows asshole is my mind, it fills with stinking shit and then projects it everywhere else. Lmao. ANYWAYS Voilà)

It was autumn, the red leaves that coated the shaking Branches of the balding trees were flowing in the wind, Yoongi took in a deep breath as he walked down the street towards his friends house. The scent of different omegas and their alphas wafted through the air towards his nostrils, making his heart ache at his own unreturned love.

His hair blowed back with a gust of sweet smelling breeze, the remanance of a sweltering summer still grasping somewhat groggily onto the autumn air.

His mind wandered towards his friend Jin, looking forward to seeing him. He pulled out a small red hardback book.

"Dear diary, sorry I haven't written in this in a while I've been pretty preoccupied with other things like my school projects and Jin. Don't tell anyone okay? But if I had the chance I would use my scent to seduce that sexy mother fucker so that he could rail the fuck out of my skinny ass. Im so horny for that guy....he is the KING of horn. Anyways I'm headed over to his house right now, I doubt anything will happen but a guy can dream you know? Hehe promise to keep this a secret huh?? Love, Yoongi"

He closed off the passage of text amd smiled a little at the way heat built in his abdomen when he thought of that steaming hot specimen of an alpha.

Yoongi had been friends with Jin for as long as he could remember, he's always been Yoongis rock of emotional support, always there for eachother. And when Jin's dad went missing, Yoongi was never away from his grieving friend.

The door was Infront of Yoongi, the green colour contrasting beautifully with the vibrant mix of red and oranges falling All around it. "Looks liek a painting" Yoongi thought, like how his life had been ever since he fully had fallen for his best friend.

He let himself in like he always did and strolled through the large old halls towards Jin's bedroom. His heart flutters at the thought of one time being in there for...other purposes.

The thing with Yoongi is, he looks like he is boring and calm on the outside, but inside he is a smoothie of sexual frustration and mommy issues with a side serving of anime obsession. He couldn't restrain himself sometimes and instead of using healthy coping mechanisms like breathing exercises, music or exercise, he would lash out, punch walls, through them sometimes and hurt people. This got him in all sorts of bother over the years, but now he turns all those emotions into an addiction to sexual thoughts and fantasies.

The amount of times he has jerked off for hours on end for this mf is ridiculous, and quite frankly, if Jin didn't reciprocate his feelings and need for hard, rough rawdog fucking sex, them Yoongi didn't know what he would do. Would he find another alpha that is the same size and with the same second name so he could at least have the last name Kim and pretend his mate was Jin forever?

No. Let's not think about that.

He stopped his hand from shaking like it always did and opened the door, stepping into the mid size double bedroom, he almost melted into a puddle and his scent glands throbbed with the need to release omega pheromones to mix with Jin's overpowering alpha scent. But he pushed through, greeted Jin with a hug and practically threw himself down onto the soft bed. He couldn't help but notice how sturdy it was, and the headboard was a good shape to hold onto....NO!

"So what do you have planned today Yoongles? I was just thinking"

"thinking about what?"

Jin's Bronzen eyes glazed over Yoongi's body and face quickly, taking in the dark red knitted sweater that dropped off one of his pale, bony shoulders because of how big it was, Jin recognised it as his own.

"Oh you know....just how I was wondering where my dark red sweater went. Do you happen to know who took it?"

Jin said, his voice toned with playfulness.

A pink blush spread across Yoongis perfect face and he laughed, dodging and jumping off the bed as Jin began chasing him around the room. After a few pillows were thrown the two found themselves on the ground, the smaller male pinned beneath Jin as they both laughed and fought playfully.

The laughter died out and was replaced with just breathing, for a split second they looked into each others eyes, nothing more, nothing less, before Jin quickly moved off of Yoongi, sitting down next to him on the floor.

Jin thought about yoongi All day, his Yoongles, how cute and submissive he was around him, how he blushed at anything Jin said to him.

Yoongi obviously thought he was being subtle when he stared longingly at Jin's ass.

But Jin was too scared to say anything to his friend, in fear of losing him, but as they both grew elder and Yoongi's first Heat was due within the next few months, he knew Yoongi's days as a virgin were limited. Jin found it hard enough as it is to keep his thristy ass hands off of him, but there was no point trying to when Yoongi would be literally dying for sex.

They both sat down In front of the computer and watched an episode of BoJack horseman before they both fell asleep on eachother.


Jimin was angry. No, not angry, he was fuming, the say the least.

Not only, had his suicide attempt been so close to being successful, but also his "saviour" just HAD to be the one guy that he has been crushing on since 5th grade.

If this were ANY other situation he would be jumping and crying in joy at this right now, but Taehyung had to swoop in with his stupid saviour complex at the worst possible moment, he saw him exposed. Plus, Jimin was certain that he was even uglier when he was dead. That definitely didn't help the cause.

He felt ashamed, helpless and as if he was going to be punished, angry at soneone whom he wasn't sure, not Taehyung, not the nurses, himself? Maybe. But worst of all, he hated himself for thinking he could just jump from a tree and escape the burdens of this world without so much as a struggle. How could he have been so stupid?

Jimin looked over to his left, seeing the fluffy and messed up head of hair spread on the bed, Taehyung's face submerged within the blanket covering Jimins legs, his head weighing down one of them. His arms were hanging limply by his sides as he slept in that awful position.

Jimin sat up, ignoring the burning, searing pain as his ribs screamed In resistance, he took one of his pillows and places it under the heavy head.

Taehyung stayed like that for a long time and jimin sat on his phone, it was cracked and had a screen bleed on one side front he fall but he didn't mind. He couldn't quite bring himself to care.

Once the anger wore off, he felt nothing but Apathy to the situation. He was numb, there were no thoughts running through his head, only regret at Taehyung. He wasn't sure about anything, but for the first time In a long time, he wasn't totally overwhelmed with the urge to overdose on his antidepressants and Xanax, or to drown himself in the bathtub.

He knew it was because he felt guilty at how Taehyung said he would feel if that happened. He was apprehensive, he didn't understand how or why Taehyung decided he was worth saving.

When Taehyung woke up the first thing he did was burst into tears and jumped into the bed with jimin, the smaller male suppressing the jolts of pain as his friend threw himself at him.

The nurse came in and jimin was suprised to find out that Taehyung had put his big brother down as the guardian on the form, so Mrs Choi didn't know about this. He was so thankful that he was almost in tears, and as he refused any counseling offered through the hospital, he was free to go on his way. He picked up his pain killers are the proscription desk and Taehyung drove him home, they extanged phone numbers and just as Taehyung was about to drive off,Jimin realized he had no way of climbing that long ass ladder.

Taehyung's house it is then.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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