announcements & opinions!

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okay so I know everyone has been wondering where chapter 2 is to "A New Beginning" but I need your guys's opinion

comment on this 1 or 2:

option 1: continue writing the sequel with not frequent updates
option 2: cancel the sequel until I have time to write and have frequent updates

and one other thing:

I just published the prologue to my Luke Hemmings fanfic called "You're the Reason" basically it's about this girl Juliana who uses men for sexual intercourse and all that stuff then she like meets luke and tries stuff with him and then yeah that's all I can say for now. if you think it's interesting go check it out I am gonna be trying to update that book at least once a month since the chapters don't have to be that lengthy :-)

okay I hope you all have/had an awesome day hopefully 2015 treats you well, I love you all sooooo much!


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