7. The Lake

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Chapter Seven.
Anastasia's Point of View:


"There is no way you said that," I laugh as I place my second cup underneath the tap to allow the fruity alcohol drink to flow into the cup.

"I did, he was a dickhead," Harry chuckles as he places his hands in his pockets.

"But to tell him that he needs to desperately get laid because he was hassling you is so unprofessional," I giggle as I stop the red liquid from pouring out and pull the cup towards me.

"Well, luckily I don't work there anymore." He smiles proudly.

Harry has been such great company since for the last two hours, getting me through very few conversations with a couple of family members that wanted to put on the facade that they actually care about me. I don't dismiss the fact that Alice has had zero free time, being stormed with thousands of questions about her life. She didn't look as interested as she use to look and she didn't seem to like the attention like she use to. This use to be Alice is favorite part of the family coming over, she loved that she was going to be the star of the show. It saddens me that she's change quite a lot in these last three years.

It seems like the past between me and Harry have become silent, no longer a lingering weight on us both. Everything felt easy and light and we were able to be just friends. It felt nice to hear memories about Harry in his life over the years and to see that he's actually created some great times. He's really been searching for his place in the world and it makes me happy to see that he's getting there.

"Do you like your boss?" Harry inquires as I take a swig of my drink.

"Define like," I respond and he raises an eyebrow.

"What does that mean?"

"He's a good guy, he's very good as his job, but he's also just very old fashion. I hate the way he looks at me like since I am woman I am fragile and dumb. Especially when I am one of the sole reasons he runs that place so well." I roll my eyes at the endless times he's snapped at me for small issues and talked down on me.

"Do you think he will publish your pieces?" He asks.

"No, but once I tell him I'm going to go to his biggest competition and sell my work there, then he will." I smirk.

A smile reaches his lips. "That doesn't sound very professional,"

"Well, I know my work deserves attention and I won't let his close minded views stop me from being able to get publish by one of the biggest publishing company's in Jakrivers and Jonsville." I shrug lightly.

"I'm so happy you're confident about your work and believe in it now." His smile widens.

"Thank you," I nod, hiding my smile behind my cup.

He stares at me for a moment, seeming to be lost in thought and I look away swiftly before I can get an indication of what he was thinking and have this whole moment ruin between us. My mom fortunately comes walking in, a smile on her face and her black heels clapping against the clear coated black tile.

"Honey," She kisses my cheek before walking towards the oven.

"How are you liking the party?" She asks as she grabs a tray of treats.

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