Part Of Your World (Cecily x Gabriel)

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The waves slapped against the sharp rocks which stuck out of the water, their points jagged. The whole ocean was a spectacular sight, the mermaids and sirens lived far enough out that pollution wasn't as big of a concern. The cool ocean water was clear, all the fish visible under the water. Cecily's inky black hair flowed behind her back as she swam. Every day for the past two weeks Cecily would swim up to the rocks and look for sailors, more specifically, her sailor. If her brother knew what she was up to, He'd surely kill the young sailor she was certain she was in love with. She swam as fast as she could, not daring to look back. She didn't even know this man's name. Her mind got lost in thought. Maybe, just mauve she'd finally had the courage to speak to him. Maybe even ask his name. Cecily hadn't even realized she'd stopped swimming until she felt net surround her entire body. What was happening? She began thrashing around, trying to get out. The thought of being trapped was horrifying, and it was now happening. She felt her body being raised from the water, and then heard the voices.

"I caught something!" That wasn't her sailors voice.

Who was that? Were they going to eat her? She'd heard too many horror stories of fellow mermaids and mermans tails being removed for consumption. Her body smacked against the ship as she was pulled on deck. Cecily began coughing. She could breathe both air and water but her lungs still needed to adjust, if anything, they felt like they were burning. The net was pulled off her body, leaving her completely exposed. She needed to defend herself. Do something. She pushed herself against the ship

"Get away-" Water came out of her mouth as she spoke, causing her speech to be muffled.

The male who stood before her was not her sailor, but he looked so similar, as if they were siblings. He kneeled down before her, he gently reached for her, his hand stroking her face.

"Gabriel- I caught something."

Was Gabriel her sailor? Cecily's body began to tremble as she moved her face away from his hand. The man frowned and lowered his hand.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you." He was clearly trying to make an effort to not frighten her. "Do you have a name?"

Before cecily had the chance to answer, a young man emerged from the lower deck of the boat. He was tall, his face oddly beautiful with all its different angles, his brown hair falling into his eyes.

That was her sailor.

Gabriel stared at Cecily. "I've seen you before." He was now coming her way. Gabriel now kneeled beside his brother, studying Cecily's features. Gabriels face softened. "You must be terrified." He stood. She didn't want to speak, she wanted to go home now, even if her brother was going to scold her.

"Water-" Cecily croaked. She could feel her tail drying out. It was extremely uncomfortable. Cecily rubbed her eyes. She didn't expect her sailor to do this.

"Water?" it took a few moments for it to click. "Oh, water." he sighed. "I'm sorry. We didn't mean to catch you." of course he didn't. "What did you mean to catch?" Both boys were silent.

Cecily nodded in response. He was so beautiful. She felt her confidence beginning to return. Slowly, Cecily reached her hand out to touch Gabriels. "Cecily. My name's Cecily." she looked between the two brothers.

"Cecily." Gabriel breathed. He looked down at their hands which were now joined. "I'm Gabriel."

"I know." he titled his head to the side. "How did you know that?" Cecily's cheeks had gone pink "I heard your brother say it." he nodded. "I can put you back into the water-" she nodded quickly "Yes please-"

Even though their meeting was brief, she felt an odd connection to him. She had to see him again, be with him. She didn't care what it took.


For a week, she went back to waiting for him by the rocks, watching him pass. He'd wave to her, talk to her, sometimes they'd even swim with her. Those were her favourite days.

And then he'd leave. Sometimes for days at a time.

"I wish I could come with you..." They both sat on a rock that poked out of the ocean water. Gabriel frowned. "I wish you could come too, but I don't think your brother would allow it." Cecily pushed their foreheads together.

Of course Will had found out. He had seen her sneak out tonight. He scolded her, told her she was making a big mistake. She knew her sailor would keep her safe. He was a little stubborn and awkward at times but, she loved it.

"One day, I will come with you. I will find a way." His lips brushed against hers. A small smile formed on the mermaid's lips. "I don't doubt you will. The day you do, I promise I'll take you away from here."


She wanted to explore the seas with him. "Stop teasing me and kiss me." Gabriel laughed and kissed her, running his hands through her tangled hair.


Cecily laid awake that evening, thinking about her sailor's promise to her. 'I promise I'll take you away from here.' She smiled weakly to herself before drifting to sleep.

She woke up with a plan. She gathered very few of her things. She was going to see the sea witch. Maybe, just maybe she could allow her to enter the human world, be one of them.

Cecily swam away from her home as fast as possible, she was fearful Will had heard her. She knew if he had, He'd try talking her out of it. He didn't understand. How could he? He despised the humans. Especially her sailor. She hadn't told him how they'd caught her because she knew he'd kill both Gideon and Gabriel.

Her tail swished as she arrived at a small cave entrance. What if this went terribly wrong? She'd heard rumours about the old sea witch who lived here. All bad. "Hello?" she swam inside, very cautious of her surroundings. "I'm here to see the witch?" a voice echoed off the cave walls. Had she made a mistake?

"This way." The voice was cranky sounding, old. Cecily followed the voice, knowing she couldn't turn back now. A hunched figure appeared before her. Cecily's blood went cold.

The woman turned to face her, her tangled gray hair falling in her face, she held out a hand, her nails were sharp enough to penetrate skin. "Come here, my dear."

This was definitely a mistake. Will was going to kill her, if the sea witch didn't first.

She grabbed the ladies hand and followed her. All this, for love? She prayed it would be worth it in the end. Cecily was seated on a rock. She tried hard to keep the panic from her face.

"What is it you desire, girl?" Love. It was all she wanted since she saw the sailor for the first time. Of course, she couldn't say that, She needed to be more specific.

"I- my lover, he's human." Cecily gulped, the lady watched her every move closely. "I want to be with him, but I can't. Not like this. I guess you could say, I would like to be human."

"Human?" her voice was a mix of shock and pain. "Alright." A smile began forming on the sea witches lips. "It'll come at a cost though." Cecily nodded eagerly, a little too eagerly. "I'll do anything- I just want to be with him."

"I'll give you a choice, I'm feeling awfully nice today." Cecily's love would come at a sacrifice. "Your voice..." The sea witch reached out and touched Cecily's chin. She jerked her head back, earning a laugh from the witch. "Or..."


"You are banished from these waters, you may never step foot in this sea, No limbs are allowed in the water. Think of it as a poison."

Choice. Both were absolutely terrible. She thought about it, with the loss of her voice, she'd never be able to talk to Gabriel, or her family. She'd be powerless. But to never step foot in these waters again...

That one.

She would find a way for her family to visit her, see her.

"Option two."


I'm going to make a second part :) this was a lot longer than I thought it would be.

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